JavaScript/Vue 中动态更改文本的更有效方法
More Efficient Method for Dynamically Changing Text in JavaScript/Vue
我在 Vue 中工作,我正在使用 setInterval()
和 data()
我有一个可行的方法,但我想知道是否有更多 efficient/way 来优化该方法...或者它是否已尽可能优化?
<span>{{ action }}</span> for everyone.
export default {
name: "HeadLine",
data() {
return {
action: "Build",
methods: {
changeTitle() {
setInterval(() => {
const actions = ["Build", "Create", "Design", "Code"];
const currentActionIndex = actions.indexOf(this.action);
//Send back to index of [0] === Build
const nextActionIndex = (currentActionIndex + 1) % 4;
let nextAction = actions[nextActionIndex];
this.action = nextAction;
}, 3000);
就渲染而言,Vue 已经做到了最好。
// Stores the actions out of the component. It doesn't need to be reactive if it's static.
// You're avoiding having Vue's proxy above this array.
const actions = ["Build", "Create", "Design", "Code"];
export default {
data () {
return {
// The only reactive data you need is the index of the word you want to show
wordIndex: 0,
computed: {
// Let view update the text when the index changes. Computed properties use caching.
action() {
return actions[this.wordIndex]
methods: {
changeTitle() {
setInterval(this.initRotation, 3000)
initRotation () {
// Update the current word index
this.wordIndex = (this.wordIndex + 1) % actions.length;
beforeDestroy() {
// Remove the interval runner when the component is destroyed!
我在 Vue 中工作,我正在使用 setInterval()
和 data()
我有一个可行的方法,但我想知道是否有更多 efficient/way 来优化该方法...或者它是否已尽可能优化?
<span>{{ action }}</span> for everyone.
export default {
name: "HeadLine",
data() {
return {
action: "Build",
methods: {
changeTitle() {
setInterval(() => {
const actions = ["Build", "Create", "Design", "Code"];
const currentActionIndex = actions.indexOf(this.action);
//Send back to index of [0] === Build
const nextActionIndex = (currentActionIndex + 1) % 4;
let nextAction = actions[nextActionIndex];
this.action = nextAction;
}, 3000);
就渲染而言,Vue 已经做到了最好。
// Stores the actions out of the component. It doesn't need to be reactive if it's static.
// You're avoiding having Vue's proxy above this array.
const actions = ["Build", "Create", "Design", "Code"];
export default {
data () {
return {
// The only reactive data you need is the index of the word you want to show
wordIndex: 0,
computed: {
// Let view update the text when the index changes. Computed properties use caching.
action() {
return actions[this.wordIndex]
methods: {
changeTitle() {
setInterval(this.initRotation, 3000)
initRotation () {
// Update the current word index
this.wordIndex = (this.wordIndex + 1) % actions.length;
beforeDestroy() {
// Remove the interval runner when the component is destroyed!