如何使用 Kotlin 将文本转换为按计数分组的单词列表?

How to transform text into list of words grouped by count using Kotlin?


val text: String = "aa bb cc aa bb aa aa / <" 

我首先尝试跳过像 <*/&^$ 这样的特殊字符,然后将单词分组到对象单词列表中:

data class Word(val id: Int, val text: String, val count: Int)

listOf(Word(1, aa, 4), Word(2, bb, 2), Word(3, cc, 1)) 

这是我的方法,但它需要 3 个循环,这很糟糕加上样板代码

 val wordWithCountMap = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
 text.trim().split(" ").forEach { word ->
        if (word.isNotEmpty() && word.isNotBlank()) {
            val key = regex.replace(word, "")
            wordWithCountMap[key] = wordWithCountMap[word]?.plus(1) ?: 1

 val wordList = arrayListOf<Word>()
 wordWithCountMap.onEachIndexed { index, entry ->
                id = index, text = entry.key,
                count = entry.value
val text: String = "aa bb cc aa bb aa aa / <"

data class Word(
  val id: Int,
  val text: String,
  val count: Int

val result = text
  .filter { it.any { char -> char.isLetterOrDigit() } }
  .groupingBy { it }
  .sortedByDescending { it.value }   // mabye remove this line (see @mattFreake's comment below)
  .mapIndexed { index, textCount -> Word(index + 1, textCount.key, textCount.value) }
