如何在 discordjs v13 中获取公会所有者 ID?

How do I fetch guild owner Id in discordjs v13?

我正在尝试获取我的机器人当前所在服务器的公会所有者 ID。 我尝试的一切 returns undefined.

当前所有者正在从缓存中获取。我也试过 guild.fetchOwner()

let owner = client.users.cache.get(guild.ownerID);
  if (typeof owner !== 'undefined') {
  } else {
    console.log("Couldn't get owner!")

我的 for of 循环:

for (const [id, guild] of client.guilds.cache) {}

Guild.fetchOwner 方法从 API 获取所有者并且总是 returns 所有者。

let getOwners = async () => { 
  let owner = await guild.fetchOwner().catch(err => err)
  return owner
getOwners().then(owner => {
  if(owner !== undefined){
    console.log(`ID: ${owner.user.id}\nUsername: ${owner.user.username}`)


  • I created a async function called getOwners() that will fetch the owner of the current guild in the for loop.
  • then I called the function and if the returned owner !== undefined, you can do what you'd like with that.


