如何在 Python 上使用 matplotlib 在价格走势图上标记 2 个特定数据点?

How to mark 2 specific data points on a price action chart using matplotlib on Python?


此类图表是使用以下 python 代码创建的:

from binance.client import Client
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#personal API key and Secret Key from your Binance account

api_key = "your binance api key"
secret_key = "your binance secret key"

client = Client(api_key= api_key, api_secret= secret_key, tld= "com")

klines_btcusdt = client.get_historical_klines(symbol="BTCUSDT", interval="1h", start_str = "1648807200000", end_str="1653667199999")

df_btcusdt = pd.DataFrame(klines_btcusdt)

#drop unnecesary columns
df_btcusdt.drop(5, inplace = True, axis=1)
df_btcusdt.drop(7, inplace = True, axis=1)
df_btcusdt.drop(8, inplace = True, axis=1)
df_btcusdt.drop(9, inplace = True, axis=1)
df_btcusdt.drop(10, inplace = True, axis=1)
df_btcusdt.drop(11, inplace = True, axis=1)

# Rename the column names for best practices
df_btcusdt.rename(columns = { 0 : 'Start Date', 
                          1 : 'Open Price',
                          2 : 'High Price',
                          3 : 'Low Price',
                          4 :'Close Price',
                          6 :'End Date',
                          }, inplace = True)

# Convert Unix Time values to actual dates
df_btcusdt['Start Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_btcusdt['Start Date'], unit='ms')
df_btcusdt['End Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_btcusdt['End Date'], unit='ms')
df_btcusdt = df_btcusdt[['End Date','Close Price']]
df_btcusdt = df_btcusdt.set_index('End Date', inplace=False)
df_btcusdt = df_btcusdt.astype({'Close Price': 'float'})

#visualising the price
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80)
plt.title('BTCUSDT Price')
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize = 8)
plt.plot(df_btcusdt.index[0:], df_btcusdt[0:])

我有兴趣标记 2 个特定数据点,它们是:df_btcusdt[0:1]df_btcusdt[1024:1025],我的意思是:

                         Close Price
End Date                            
2022-04-01 05:59:59.999     44646.16

                         Close Price
End Date                            
2022-05-13 21:59:59.999     30046.65


plt.plot(df_btcusdt.index[0:], df_btcusdt[0:], markevery = [44646.16, 30046.65], marker="ro")


ValueError: markevery=[44646.16, 30046.65] is iterable but not a valid numpy fancy index




要绘制线上方的点,可以使用 zorder 参数。 所以在线图命令之后,添加:

highlight_dates = df.index[[0, 1024]]
plt.scatter(highlight_dates, df.loc[highlight_dates, 'Close Price'], 
            color='red', marker='o', zorder=2.5)