为什么我的 React redux 状态不会导致重新渲染?

Why is my react redux state not causing a re-render?

你好,我有一个问题,当我尝试使用选择器时,我的 redux 状态没有导致重新渲染。我对 react-redux 和打字稿还很陌生。我一直在尝试 google 这个,大多数互联网线程都说这是因为你需要创建一个新对象 return 让 redux 知道状态已经改变。我已经在做了。 但是我的对象没有重新渲染,状态已更新但没有导致重新渲染。


我的 Redux reducer

import { Computer, GraphicsCard } from "../../interfaces";

const initialState: Computer = {
    graphicsCard: null,

interface SelectGraphicsCardAction {
    payload: GraphicsCard;

interface UnselectGraphicsCardAction {

export type Action = SelectGraphicsCardAction | UnselectGraphicsCardAction

export const computerReducer = (state = initialState, action: Action) => {
        case "SELECT_GRAPHICSCARD": {
            const { payload } = action;
            console.log(state, payload)

           const newState = {
                graphicsCard: {
            //This evaluates to false
            console.log(state === newState)

            return newState
            return {
                graphicsCard: null
            return state;


我的 Redux 商店

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { computerReducer } from './reducers/ComputerReducer'
// ...

 export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    computer: computerReducer


function SelectedComputer() {
  const computer = useSelector((state: Computer) => state);
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const { graphicsCard } = computer;

  //Logging correct state

  return (
    <div className="fixed top-10 right-4 bg-white rounded-t-lg">
      <p className="text-center font-bold border-b-1 border-b-black bg-gray-100 rounded-t-lg shadow-md">
        Selected Parts
      <div className="flex flex-row">
        <CpuFill className="m-1" />
        {graphicsCard ? (
          //Not rendering this when updating state.
        ) : (
          <p>No Graphicscard selected!</p>
        <Trash className="flex justify-center"/>

编辑: 这是一个使用 dispatch 来更新状态的片段。

import React, { FC } from "react";
import { Button, Card } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { Component, ComputerComponent } from "../interfaces";
import { Action } from "../redux/reducers/ComputerReducer";

interface ComponentCard {
  component: Component;
  buttonText: string;
  type: string;

interface DomainImage {
  [key: string]: string;

const ComponentCard: FC<ComponentCard> = ({ component, buttonText, type }) => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const imageMap: DomainImage = {
    "inet.se": "https://cdn.inet.se/gfx/ext/226/brand-assets/inet-logo2.jpg",

  return (
    <Card className="flex flex-row items-center w-50 shadow-md mt-2 mb-2">
      <div className="flex justify-center items-center mr-3">
        <img className="h-36 w-40 p-2" src={component.imgUrl} />
      <div className="flex-1 text-left">
        <h4 className="text-base">{component.name}</h4>
            ArtNr: {component.articleNumber}, Manufacturer:{" "}
        <h4 className="absolute right-36 top-10">
          <span>{component.price} :-</span>
          className="absolute right-5 h-10 w-20"
          onClick={() => dispatch({ type, payload: component })}
        <a href={component.url} target="_blank" className="absolute right-5 bottom-0">
            className="w-15 h-10"

就其价值而言,您在这里使用的是一种极其过时(2019 年之前)的 Redux 风格,它最终将是您使用现代 Redux 编写的代码的 4 倍左右——尤其是与 TypeScript 结合使用时。

我强烈建议您遵循 official Redux tutorial and the TypeScript QuickStart,它会向您显示您必须设置的所有其他类型(它比您现在拥有的要少很多)。

你的问题的根源可能是意外的状态修改,这也可能发生在遗留 Redux 中的 reducer 之外 - 在现代 Redux 中,你会在你进行突变的时候立即得到一个错误 - 节省你的时间调试。所以我真的建议你切换过来,你可能会摆脱这个错误。