如何查询每个国家/地区最常用语言的 GHTorrent(SQL 类语言)

How to query GHTorrent's (SQL-like language) for most common languages per country

基于这个问题How to query GHTorrent's (SQL-like language) for country/city/users number/repositories number? and first query here https://ghtorrent.org/gcloud.html, I am trying to get an sql query to get the most common coding language per country and ideally per month/year from the GHtorrent bigquery database. I have tried to edit this answer code ,但未能获得正确的连接。我理想的结果应该是这样的

country Year Month Language Number of commits total_bytes
US 2016 Jan Python 10000 46789390
CH 2016 Jan Java 20000 5679304

基本上,我不太擅长创建 SQL 查询。

我检查了您传递的查询的两个示例,然后我找到了 project_id 的共同值,我修改了第二个示例以带来 project_idcreated_date 的提交。然后我决定像你提到的那样格式化 created_date 以带来年份和月份并将其添加为过滤器。

然后我将两个示例加入 CTE 并且我只 SELECT 需要的列的名称。


WITH ltb as(
 select pl3.lang, sum(pl3.size) as total_bytes, pl3.project_id
from (
 select pl2.bytes as size, pl2.language as lang, pl2.project_id
 from (
   select pl.language as lang, max(pl.created_at) as latest, pl.project_id as project_id
   from `ghtorrent-bq.ght.project_languages` pl
     join `ghtorrent-bq.ght.projects` p on p.id = pl.project_id
   where p.deleted is false
     and p.forked_from is null
   group by lang, project_id
 ) pl1 join `ghtorrent-bq.ght.project_languages` pl2 on pl1.project_id = pl2.project_id
                                       and pl1.latest = pl2.created_at
                                       and pl1.lang = pl2.language
) pl3
group by pl3.lang, pl3.project_id
order by total_bytes desc
), fprt as(
SELECT country_code, count(*) AS NoOfCommits, c.project_id,
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%m", c.created_at)
 AS formattedmonth,FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%b", c.created_at)
 AS formattedmonthname, FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%Y", c.created_at)
 AS formattedyear,
FROM `ghtorrent-bq.ght.commits` AS c
JOIN `ghtorrent-bq.ght.users` AS u
ON c.Committer_Id = u.id
WHERE NOT u.fake and country_code is not null
GROUP BY country_code, c.project_id, formattedmonth, formattedyear, formattedmonthname
), almst as(
SELECT country_code,formattedmonth, formattedmonthname, formattedyear, lang, NoOfCommits, total_bytes FROM fprt JOIN ltb
on ltb.project_id=fprt.project_id
where country_code is not null
SELECT country_code, formattedyear as year, formattedmonthname as month, lang, NoOfCommits, total_bytes
   SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY country_code, formattedyear, formattedmonth ORDER BY total_bytes DESC) rn
   FROM almst
) t
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY formattedyear asc, formattedmonth asc
