'int' 对象不可订阅:Python 中的 HOG SVM 对象检测

'int' object is not subscriptable : HOG SVM object detection in Python

我正在做一个对象检测项目,同时使用 HOG skimage 和 SVM。我正在努力 使用我训练的 SVM 模型将我所有的正面 windows 保存在列表中,但我遇到了一个错误: 'int' 对象不可在此行订阅:detect = model_.predict([features_window[i]])

def detection_image(image):
    coordonnees,HOG_features = fenetre_coulissante_HOG(image)
    features_window = []
    #We will now loop through all the features collected by the HOG on each of the sliding windows
    #We will predict from our model whether we consider the window as positive or negative: whether or not it contains our object
    for features_window in range(len(HOG_features)):
        #For all the windows considered positive of our model we will record their coordinates
        detect = model_.predict([features_window[i]])
        if detect[0] == 1:
    return features_window


for features_window in range(len(HOG_features))

在循环内部,它会将 features 变量变成一个整数,而不是原来的列表。如果改成for i in ...会解决问题,但是features_window[i]会出问题,因为features_window是一个空集合;也许您打算改用 HOG_features[i]