在 TypeScript 中是否有任何 "annotation" 方法来指示变量在退出后不会为空?

In TypeScript is there any "annotation" for methods to indicate a variable won't be null after exiting it?

在带有 strict: true 配置的 TypeScript 中,考虑以下场景:

export class A {

    a?: string;
    b?: number;

    init() {
        this.a = "";
        this.b = 0;

    opA() {
        const something = this.a.length; // Error here

    opB() {
        const something = this.b.toString(); // Error here

    private requireInit() {
        if (this.a === undefined || this.b === undefined) {
            throw new Error("Call init before using this method");


有没有办法标记 requireInit 方法,在调用该方法后,ab 成员不再是未定义的,所以我不必使用 ! 在每一个方法?在 C# 中有一个类似的属性,叫做 MemberNotNull.

requireInit 变成一个断言其 this 肯定具有这些属性的 assertion function 就可以了。

class A {

    a?: string;
    b?: number;

    init() {
        this.a = "";
        this.b = 0;

    opA() {
        const something = this.a.length; // OK now

    opB() {
        const something = this.b.toString(); // OK now

    private requireInit(): asserts this is { a: string, b: number } {
        if (this.a === undefined || this.b === undefined) {
            throw new Error("Call init before using this method");