如何将 tkinter canvas 保存为图像

How to save a tkinter canvas as an image

我想将我在 tkinter canvas 上的绘图保存为图像,以便我可以打开它供以后使用。我目前使用这个 post 的保存系统,但这对我来说不是一个好方法。首先,我需要添加一个偏移量,其次,如果我设置应用程序,那么 canvas 的一部分实际上是可见的, canvas 不可见的部分在保存图像时显示为黑色。

只有 canvas 的一部分实际上是可见的。如果我打开保存的图像,这就是它的样子 只有可见的是实际存在的(整个图像在保存之前是黄色的)。


def save(widget(canvas), filelocation):
    x=root.winfo_rootx()+widget.winfo_x() + 74
    y=root.winfo_rooty()+widget.winfo_y() + 109


阅读此 后,它解释说我可以重新创建我在 canvas 上绘制的所有内容。所以我的想法是将我在 canvas 上绘制的所有内容(例如我在不可见层上创建的线条)粘贴到图像上。 但是我不知道这是否可能(可能 PILnumpycv2


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import colorchooser, Canvas, N
from tkinter.ttk import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageGrab
import keyboard

def save(widget, filelocation):

def type_of(color):
    type_pen = 'marker'
    if type_pen == 'marker':
        pencil_motion_marker(color = color)

#pixel pen
def pencil_motion_marker(color):
    stage.bind('<Button-1>', get_pos_marker)
    stage.bind('<B1-Motion>', lambda event, color = color: pencil_draw_marker(event, color))

def get_pos_marker(event):
    global lastx, lasty
    lastx, lasty = event.x, event.y

def pencil_draw_marker(event, color):
    stage.create_line((lastx, lasty, event.x, event.y), width = width.get(), fill = color, capstyle = 'round')

def choose_pen_color():
    pencilcolor = colorchooser.askcolor(title = 'Pencil Color')

def pencil_click():
    global width, opacity

    Whitepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Whitepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'White': type_of(m))
    Whitepencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Redpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Redpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Red': type_of(m))
    Redpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Magentapencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Magentapencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Magenta': type_of(m))
    Magentapencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Limegreenpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Limegreenpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Lime': type_of(m))
    Limegreenpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 1, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Greenpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Greenpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Green': type_of(m))
    Greenpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Bluepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Bluepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Blue': type_of(m))
    Bluepencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Cyanpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Cyanpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Cyan': type_of(m))
    Cyanpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 3, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Yellowpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Yellowpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Yellow': type_of(m))
    Yellowpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 3, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Orangepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Orangepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Orange': type_of(m))
    Orangepencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 4, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Graypencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Graypencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Gray': type_of(m))
    Graypencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 4, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Blackpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Blackpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Black': type_of(m))
    Blackpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 5, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Createnewpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Createnewpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = choose_pen_color)
    Createnewpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 5, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    widthlabel = Label(optionsframe, text = 'Width: ', style = 'LABELBG.TLabel')
    width = Scale(optionsframe, from_ = 1, to = 20, style = 'SCALEBG.Horizontal.TScale')
    widthlabel.grid(row = 0, column = 6)
    width.grid(row = 0, column = 7)

    opacitylabel = Label(optionsframe, text = 'Opacity: ', style = 'LABELBG.TLabel')
    opacity = Scale(optionsframe, from_ = 0, to = 1.0, style = 'SCALEBG.Horizontal.TScale')
    opacitylabel.grid(row = 1, column = 6)
    opacity.grid(row = 1, column = 7)

def setup(filelocation):
    global stage, img_id, optionsframe, draw
    for widgets in root.winfo_children():

    root.config(bg = '#454545')
    iconsframewidth = int(screen_width / 20)
    frames = Style()
    frames.configure('FRAMES.TFrame', background = '#2a2a2a')
    sep = Style()
    sep.configure('SEP.TFrame', background = '#1a1a1a')
    style = Style()
    style.configure('STAGE.TFrame', background = '#454545')
    icon = Style()
    icon.configure('ICON.TButton', background = '#2a2a2a', foreground = '#2a2a2a')
    iconsframe = Frame(root, width = iconsframewidth, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame')
    iconsframe.pack(side = 'left', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    sep1frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', width = 5)
    sep1frame.pack(side = 'left', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    optionsframe = Frame(root, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame', height = 100)
    optionsframe.pack(side = 'top', expand = False, fill = 'x')
    sep2frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', height = 5)
    sep2frame.pack(side = 'top', expand = False, fill = 'x')
    propertyframe = Frame(root, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame', width = 150)
    propertyframe.pack(side = 'right', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    sep3frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', width = 5)
    sep3frame.pack(side = 'right', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    stageframe = Frame(root, style = 'STAGE.TFrame')
    stageframe.pack(side = 'top', expand = True, fill = 'both')

    image = Image.open(filelocation)
    width, height = image.size

    stage = Canvas(stageframe, width = width, height = height)
    stage.pack(side="top", anchor = 'c', expand=True)


    keyboard.add_hotkey("ctrl+s", lambda widget = stage, filelocation = filelocation: save(widget, filelocation))

    pencilbutton = Button(iconsframe, text = 'pencilimg', command = pencil_click, style = 'ICON.TButton')
    pencilbutton.pack(anchor = N, pady = 10)

    imgtk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(filelocation)) 
    img_id = stage.create_image(stage.winfo_width() / 2, stage.winfo_height() / 2, image = imgtk)
    stage.image = imgtk

root = tk.Tk()

screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

w = 1150
h = 600
x = (screen_width / 2) - (w / 2)
y = (screen_height / 2) - (h / 2)

root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))
root.minsize(1150, 600)




回复@Claudio:我现在正在使用屏幕截图技术将 Canvas 作为图像保存到文件中。我注意到保存的 canvas 图像在角落 and after saving and reopening the image it looks like this 看起来像这样( canvas 的边框增加了 canvas 图像的大小)。

2022 年 6 月更新 2:通过已接受答案中提供的更新代码解决了小问题

如何将 tkinter Canvas 图形保存为图像?

tkinter没有提供direct方法好像是事实 允许获取 Canvas 图形的图像以将其保存到图像 文件。解决这个问题的方法有两种,只需要导入 Python PIL 模块(枕头)的。

其中一种方法是在 Canvas 可以使用 PIL.ImageGrab.grab() 或任何其他方法完成的区域 执行(裁剪)屏幕截图和保存的各种方法 他们到一个图像文件 (参见 Python 屏幕截图模块足够快,可以制作视频 Canvas 上进行中的绘画)。

另一种方法是在 Python PIL 图像上绘制更新 tkinter Canvas 使用修改后的 PIL 图像将其保存到文件中,然后使用 .save() 可用于保存 PIL 图像对象的方法。

如果save(),问题中提供的代码通常按预期工作 同时使用框架 (stageframe) 和 Canvas (stage) 小部件 获取正确的 x、y 值以裁剪屏幕截图所需 如果 Canvas 被放置在一个框架内并且如果用于裁剪的边界框 屏幕截图考虑了 tkinter Canvas 小部件大小 包括 Canvas 边框和 Canvas highlight-border.

下面的代码是问题中提供的代码添加了一些 意见和适当的修改。它不需要键盘 模块并通过绘画修改 Canvas 保存为图像文件 单击由 most-left 处理的上层 pencilbutton pencil_click() 函数。 它提供了两种保存 tkinter 图形的方法 Canvas 到图像文件。 Select 为其中之一分配适当的值 全局 method 变量( method = 'screenshot'method = 'imagepaint' ):

from tkinter     import Tk, colorchooser, Canvas, N, PhotoImage
from tkinter.ttk import Style, Frame, Button, Label, Scale
from PIL import Image, ImageTk   # required to load images in tkinter
# method = 'screenshot' or 'imagepaint'
method = 'screenshot'
borderthickness_bd = 2
highlightthickness = 1
if method == 'imagepaint': 
    from PIL import ImageDraw  # required to draw on the image 
if method == 'screenshot': 
    from PIL import ImageGrab  # required for the screenshot
filelocation = 'Test.png'
savelocation = 'Test_.png'
def save(stageframe, stage, savelocation):
    if method == 'imagepaint': 
        global image
    if method == 'screenshot':
        global borderthickness_bd,  highlightthickness
        brdt = borderthickness_bd + highlightthickness
        # +1 and -2 because of thicknesses of Canvas borders (bd-border and highlight-border):
        x=root.winfo_rootx()+stageframe.winfo_x()+stage.winfo_x() +1*brdt
        y=root.winfo_rooty()+stageframe.winfo_y()+stage.winfo_y() +1*brdt
        x1=x+stage.winfo_width() -2*brdt

def type_of(color):
    type_pen     = 'marker'
    if type_pen == 'marker':
        pencil_motion_marker(color = color)

#pixel pen
def pencil_motion_marker(color):
    stage.bind('<Button-1>' , get_pos_marker)
    stage.bind('<B1-Motion>', lambda event, color = color: pencil_draw_marker(event, color))

def get_pos_marker(event):
    global lastx, lasty
    lastx, lasty = event.x, event.y

def pencil_draw_marker(event, color):
    global method, lastx, lasty, draw, image, img_id
    # print( (lastx, lasty, event.x, event.y), color, int(width.get()) )
    if method == 'screenshot': 
        stage.create_line((lastx, lasty, event.x, event.y), width = width.get(), fill = color, capstyle = 'round')
    if method == 'imagepaint':
        w12 = int(width.get()/2)
        draw.ellipse( (event.x-w12, event.y-w12, event.x+w12, event.y+w12), fill=color )
        imgtk  = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
        stage.itemconfig(img_id, image=imgtk)
        stage.image = imgtk

def choose_pen_color():
    pencilcolor = colorchooser.askcolor(title = 'Pencil Color')

def pencil_click():
    global width, opacity, stageframe, stage, savelocation

    # imgToSave = stage.image                                      # gives a PhotoImage object
    # imgToSave._PhotoImage__photo.write("Test.gif", format='gif') # which can be saved, but ...
    #                                ^--- ... with no painting done on Canvas - only the image.

    save(stageframe, stage, savelocation)
    Whitepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Whitepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'White': type_of(m))
    Whitepencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Redpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Redpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Red': type_of(m))
    Redpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Magentapencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Magentapencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Magenta': type_of(m))
    Magentapencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Limegreenpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Limegreenpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Lime': type_of(m))
    Limegreenpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 1, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Greenpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Greenpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Green': type_of(m))
    Greenpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Bluepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Bluepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Blue': type_of(m))
    Bluepencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Cyanpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Cyanpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Cyan': type_of(m))
    Cyanpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 3, padx = 10, pady = 1)
    Yellowpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Yellowpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Yellow': type_of(m))
    Yellowpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 3, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Orangepencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Orangepencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Orange': type_of(m))
    Orangepencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 4, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Graypencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Graypencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Gray': type_of(m))
    Graypencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 4, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Blackpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Blackpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = lambda m = 'Black': type_of(m))
    Blackpencolb.grid(row = 0, column = 5, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    Createnewpencolb = Button(optionsframe, text = 'Createnewpencolimg', style = 'COLBG.TButton', command = choose_pen_color)
    Createnewpencolb.grid(row = 1, column = 5, padx = 10, pady = 1)

    widthlabel = Label(optionsframe, text = 'Width: ', style = 'LABELBG.TLabel')
    width = Scale(optionsframe, from_ = 1, to = 100, style = 'SCALEBG.Horizontal.TScale')
    widthlabel.grid(row = 0, column = 6)
    width.grid(row = 0, column = 7)

    opacitylabel = Label(optionsframe, text = 'Opacity: ', style = 'LABELBG.TLabel')
    opacity = Scale(optionsframe, from_ = 0, to = 1.0, style = 'SCALEBG.Horizontal.TScale')
    opacitylabel.grid(row = 1, column = 6)
    opacity.grid(row = 1, column = 7)

def setup(filelocation):
    global stage, stageframe, img_id, optionsframe, draw, image, img_id, method
    global borderthickness_bd, highlightthickness
    for widgets in root.winfo_children():

    root.config(bg = '#454545')
    iconsframewidth = int(screen_width / 20)
    frames = Style()
    frames.configure('FRAMES.TFrame', background = '#2a2a2a')
    sep = Style()
    sep.configure('SEP.TFrame', background = '#1a1a1a')
    style = Style()
    style.configure('STAGE.TFrame', background = '#454545')
    icon = Style()
    icon.configure('ICON.TButton', background = '#2a2a2a', foreground = '#2a2a2a')
    iconsframe = Frame(root, width = iconsframewidth, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame')
    iconsframe.pack(side = 'left', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    sep1frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', width = 5)
    sep1frame.pack(side = 'left', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    optionsframe = Frame(root, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame', height = 100)
    optionsframe.pack(side = 'top', expand = False, fill = 'x')
    sep2frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', height = 5)
    sep2frame.pack(side = 'top', expand = False, fill = 'x')
    propertyframe = Frame(root, style = 'FRAMES.TFrame', width = 150)
    propertyframe.pack(side = 'right', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    sep3frame = Frame(root, style = 'SEP.TFrame', width = 5)
    sep3frame.pack(side = 'right', expand = False, fill = 'y')
    stageframe = Frame(root, style = 'STAGE.TFrame')
    stageframe.pack(side = 'top', expand = True, fill = 'both')

    image = Image.open(filelocation)
    width, height = image.size
    if method == 'imagepaint': 
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    imgtk  = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
    # width, height = imgtk._PhotoImage__size
    # imgtk  = PhotoImage(filelocation)
    #   ^--- no width, hight information ???
    stage = Canvas(stageframe, width = width, height = height, bd=borderthickness_bd, highlightthickness=highlightthickness) # default: bd=2, highlightthickness=1
    stage.pack(side="top", anchor = 'c', expand=True)


    # keyboard.add_hotkey("ctrl+s", lambda widget = stageframe, filelocation = filelocation: save(widget, filelocation))

    pencilbutton = Button(iconsframe, text = 'pencilimg', command = pencil_click, style = 'ICON.TButton')
    pencilbutton.pack(anchor = N, pady = 10)

    img_id = stage.create_image(stage.winfo_width() / 2, stage.winfo_height() / 2, image = imgtk)
    stage.image = imgtk

root = Tk()

screen_width  = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

w = 1150
h =  600
x = (screen_width  / 2) - (w / 2)
y = (screen_height / 2) - (h / 2)

root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))
root.minsize(1150, 600)


裁剪屏幕截图作为保存 tkinter 图形的一种方式 Canvas 优于在更新 tkinter 的 PIL 图像上绘画 Canvas 因为后者有减慢图形的副作用 降低画质平滑度。

查看如何在 tkinter 中更改按钮的外观(更改 第一次点击后pencilbutton变成了savebutton), check out 如何完成。