如何让它接受输入 (1) 并打印 if 语句

How do I get the it to accept the input (1) and make it print the if statement

def user_input():
    user_input = input

name = input("enter your name ")
print("hello "+ name +"!")
print("welcome to gymbros press 1 to continue :")
if input == 1():
    print("this is the personal record page where you post your best lifts ")
    print("thanks for using gymbros")

#################################### 我不确定我做错了什么它一直给我 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

input() return 类型为 str 且 int 不可调用。
user_input 未使用

name = input("enter your name ")
print("hello", name, "!")
print("welcome to gymbros press 1 to continue :")
if input() == "1":
    print("this is the personal record page where you post your best lifts ")
    print("thanks for using gymbros")