高级 Typescript 推理

Advanced Typescript inference



class PluginA extends Plugin {
  specificAMethod() {

class PluginB extends Plugin {
  specificBMethod() {


const pluginRegistry: Record<string, Plugin> = {
 a: PluginA,
 b: PluginB

问题在于,如果我尝试执行 a.specificAMethod(),我将得到错误 method specificAMethod does not exist on type Plugin

因为这是一个库,我希望它是自动的,这样当用户导入插件时,它会自动拥有正确的类型而不是 (a as PluginA).specificAMethod()



const pluginRegistry = {
  a: PluginA,
  b: PluginB


有没有办法让 TypeScript 自动正确推断每个插件的类型?

I also know that i can get away with it with just doing :

const pluginRegistry = {
    a: PluginA,
    b: PluginB

But i don't like it since it works when exposing the library but i actually want to have a type that i can reuse because i need it for other abstract cases...


const pluginRegistry = {
    a: PluginA,
    b: PluginB
} as const;
export type PluginRegistry = typeof pluginRegistry;
//          ^? −−−− type is { readonly a: typeof PluginA, readonly b: typeof PluginB };

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...and it is also more interesting this way


export type PluginRegistry = {
    // `readonly` is optional, depends on your use case
    readonly a: typeof PluginA;
    readonly b: typeof PluginB;

const pluginRegistry: PluginRegistry = {
    a: PluginA,
    b: PluginB,

...因为 Record<string, Plugin> 将相当广泛。

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