为什么 Dijkstra 最坏的时间复杂度在使用优先级队列时比不使用优先级队列时更差?

Why Dijkstra worst time complexity is worse using priority queue compared without using it?


到目前为止,我已经看到了 2 种类型的实现,一种使用最小堆 O(log V) 来获取最小顶点,另一种使用简单循环 (O(V))。

我的问题是,如果我们使用最小堆,它说时间复杂度将是O(E log V),E可以写成V^2。如果没有它,我们可以获得 O(V^2) 时间复杂度。为什么使用最小堆时时间复杂度似乎更差?

Why does the time complexity seems worse when using min heap?

对于普通二进制堆,更糟。但前提是边的数量很大。这就是为什么 on Wikipedia 它说:

For sparse graphs, that is, graphs with far fewer than |V|² edges, Dijkstra's algorithm can be implemented more efficiently by storing the graph in the form of adjacency lists and using [...] a priority queue to implement extracting minimum efficiently.

当使用可以提供 O(1) decrease-key 操作的堆时,也可以将时间复杂度保持在 O(|V|²),例如 Fibonacci堆。再次引用同一篇文章:

With a self-balancing binary search tree or binary heap, the algorithm requires


time in the worst case [...]; for connected graphs this time bound can be simplified to Θ(|E|log|V|). The Fibonacci heap improves this to


...其中 -- 当 |E| = O(|V|²) -- 是 Θ(|V|²)