通过包含字符串列表的字典在 trsx 元素节点中添加文本

Add text in the trsx Element Node via a dictionary containing list of Strings

我有一个 JSON 文件,我想从中选择 :Description 并放入字典 Description_List。 JSON 数据:

            "IntentName": "TEAM_WELLNESS",
            "ModuleName": "Social",
            "Description": "How is the Alchemy team doing?"
            "IntentName": "TEAM_MEMBERS",
            "ModuleName": "Social",
            "Description": "I'd like to learn more about the team"


MN = 'ModuleName'
IN = 'IntentName'
UI = 'UserIntents'

for d in data[UI]:
    ModName_Social.setdefault(d[MN], []).append(d[IN])
    Description_list.setdefault(d[MN], []).append(d[DL])

现在,Description_list 包含以下输出:

Description_list {'Social': ['How is the Alchemy team doing?', "I'd like to learn more about the team"]}

现在,我从 Element_tree 创建了一个元素,如下所示:

sample_node = SubElement(samples, NODE_CONSTANTS['sample_node'])

这只是 trsx 文件中的示例节点:

<sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_WELLNESS" count="1" excluded="true">I'd like to learn more about the team</sample>
    <sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_MEMBERS" count="1" excluded="true">I'd like to learn more about the team</sample>

现在,当我 运行 Description_list 字典中的循环时,正在打印它试图将两个字符串都设置为 sample_node 元素,所以预期输出应该是这样的:

<sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_WELLNESS" count="1" excluded="true">How is the Alchemy team doing</sample>
    <sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_MEMBERS" count="1" excluded="true">I'd like to learn more about the team</sample>


<sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_WELLNESS" count="1" excluded="true">I'd like to learn more about the team</sample>
    <sample intentref="SOCIAL_TEAM_MEMBERS" count="1" excluded="true">I'd like to learn more about the team</sample>

这就像覆盖了 Description_list 中的最后一个值。


for key in ModName_Social.keys():
     if key not in sample_node:
        val = ModName_Social[key]
        val1 = Description_list[key]
        for i in val:
            for j in val1:
                if key =='Social':
                    for i1 in val1:
                        i_x_0.text = i1 #gets only I'd like to learn more about the team
                        #i_x_0.text = ''.join(i1) #gets again I'd like to learn more about the team


for i1 in val1:
  length = len(val1)
  i1 =0   
  while i1 < length:                                                                               
    i_x_0.text = ''.join(val1[i1])
    i1 += 1


 if type(Description_list[key]) is  list:
    if a1 =='SOCIAL_TEAM_WELLNESS': 
      i_x_0.text =Description_list[key][0]
      i_x_0.text = j