
How to count events before a different starting point for each row?

假设,我有一个 table,其中包含患者名单和手术日期。

xxxxxxxxx1  07MAR2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2  11FEB2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3  14JAN2006:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4  01JAN2005:00:00:00

假设,我有第二个 table,其中包含对应于 某种类型的治疗(例如糖尿病治疗)


现在,我有一个 table,其中包含所有药物和配药日期。

xxxxxxxxx1  3484027 29DEC2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx1  3484028 12JUN2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2  3484027 10JAN2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2  1234567 10MAR2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx2  3484027 14APR2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3  3484027 12FEB2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3  3484028 14AUG2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx3  3484027 17NOV2005:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4  3484027 17NOV2004:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4  3484027 20NOV2004:00:00:00
xxxxxxxxx4  3484027 13JAN2005:00:00:00

我想做的是在我的患者 table 中创建一个新列 表明患者是否在一年内至少服药 3 次 手术前。所以在示例数据中只有第三个患者符合要求,因为:

这是在 PL/SQL 中生成示例数据的代码:

create table PATIENTS
   ID_PATIENT varchar2(10)
,  SURG_DATE date
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', to_date('20060307', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', to_date('20060211', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', to_date('20060114', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into PATIENTS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', to_date('20050101', 'yyyymmdd'))

create table DIABETES_MEDS
    MED_CODE varchar2(10)

insert into DIABETES_MEDS values ('3484027')

insert into DIABETES_MEDS values ('3484028')

create table MEDS
   ID_PATIENT varchar2(10)
,  MED_CODE   varchar2(7)
,  DEL_DATE   date
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', '3484027', to_date('20051229', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx1', '3484028', to_date('20050612', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '3484027', to_date('20050110', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '1234567', to_date('20050310', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx2', '3484027', to_date('20050414', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484027', to_date('20050212', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484028', to_date('20050814', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx3', '3484027', to_date('20051117', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20041117', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20041120', 'yyyymmdd'))
insert into MEDS values ('xxxxxxxxx4', '3484027', to_date('20050113', 'yyyymmdd'))


SELECT COUNT(1), m.id_patient
  FROM meds m
     , patients p
 WHERE m.id_patient = p.id_patient
   AND m.med_code   IN (SELECT med_code FROM diabetes_meds)
   AND m.del_date   >= ADD_MONTHS(p.surg_date,-12)
   AND m.del_date   <= p.surg_date
 GROUP BY m.id_patient

创建新列后,您可以用 MERGE 类似于此的内容填充它:

MERGE INTO patients p
USING ( SELECT COUNT(1), m.id_patient
          FROM meds m
             , patients p
         WHERE m.id_patient = p.id_patient
           AND m.med_code   IN (SELECT med_code FROM diabetes_meds)
           AND m.del_date   >= ADD_MONTHS(p.surg_date,-12)
           AND m.del_date   <= p.surg_date
         GROUP BY m.id_patient
        HAVING COUNT(1) >= 3 ) meds
  ON (p.id_patient = meds.id_patient)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET <p.had_meds> = 'Y'; -- or whatever type of flag you want to use