如何更新每个表单元素的状态更改嵌套数据结构的正确 属性,这是嵌套表单元素 DOM 的模型?

How to update at each form element's state change the correct property of a nested data-structure which is a model of the nested form element DOM?

我想在 Javascript 和 return 中修改深层嵌套对象中的 属性 修改对象。例如,我在我的应用程序中呈现 checkboxes 并且结构如下所示,

    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: false,


现在,如果用户单击任何复选框,我想 return 具有更新状态的修改对象,所以假设用户单击了 level4 复选框,我希望下面的对象被 returned。另外,我有对应于选中复选框的键,所以对于上述情况,我有'level4'。

    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: true,

我编写了以下函数来修改值,但在 return 创建新对象时遇到困难。此外,该对象可以深入嵌套到任何级别,

function changeVal(obj, checkedKey) {
    for(const key in obj) {
        if(key === 'subLevels' && typeof obj.subLevels === 'object') {
        if(key === checkedKey) {
            obj[key].checked = !obj[key].checked;


var data = {
    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: false,

var newJsonObject = traverseNesteddata(data, "level4");

var keepTheLevel4;
function traverseNesteddata(data, checkedKey){
    for(var singleValue in data){
        if(typeof data[singleValue] == 'object'){
            traverseNesteddata(data[singleValue], checkedKey);
           if(data[singleValue] === checkedKey)
           if(data.checked === false)
           data.checked = true;
           data.checked = false;
    return data;

下面介绍的是实现所需 objective.



const myUpdate = (obj, k) => (
  [k] in obj
    ? obj[k].checked = !obj[k].checked
    : Object.values(obj).forEach(
        v => myUpdate(v?.subLevels ?? {}, k)

/* EXPLANATION of the code ---
// method to update a "cloned" object
// the caller passes a deep-cloned object
// by using "structuredClone()"
const myUpdate = (obj, k) => {
  // if "k" (say "level4") is in "obj"
  if ([k] in obj) {
  // just flip the "checked" prop (false to true, or vice-versa)
    obj[k].checked = !obj[k].checked
  } else {
  // else, recursive call using the "subLevels" prop
  // if there are no values in obj or no "subLevels"
  // simply pass empty object for recursion
      v => myUpdate(v?.subLevels ?? {}, k)
  // always return "obj"
  return obj;

const dataObj = {
    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: false,

  '\n\n setting level-4 to true :\n',
  myUpdate(structuredClone(dataObj), 'level4'),
  '\n\n setting level-3 to false :\n',
  myUpdate(structuredClone(dataObj), 'level3'),
  '\n\nand now the existing obj, un-altered:\n',
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0 }



以下示例代码提供了基于 view-model 的 vanilla-implementation 方法,该方法支持双向 state-changes ... 即 ... (1) view-changes 更新view-model 和 (2) view-model 触发 state-changes 更新视图。


由于实施遵循一些通用规则,因此可以从 different/varying HTML 标记创建 view-models。它最重要的特点是嵌套模型不是递归构建的。但是基于...

  • 额外提供的控件特定选择器
  • 以及一个额外提供的选择器,它针对每个控件的父级 component/node、

...与固定的蓝图模型相比,每个控件的嵌套层次结构级别可以用 flexible/generic 多得多的方式来识别。后者不允许在 HTML 标记的 and/or 范围内有任何灵活性。

还可以提供 property/attribute 个名称的列表,这些名称预定义了想要成为双向状态更改处理的一部分的键。

// +++ proof of concept / demo related code +++

// returns control specific pure model-data (according to the OP's model)
// from the control specific view-model.
function createCurrentChangeSnapshot({ node, children, ...modelData }) {
  return { ...modelData };
// returns the pure overall model-data (according to the OP's model)
// from the overall view-model.
function createOverallModelSnapshot(model) {
  return Object
    .reduce((snapshot, [key, value]) => {
      const { node, children = null, ...modelData } = value;

      snapshot[key] = { ...modelData };
      if (children !== null) {
          .assign(snapshot[key], {
            children: createOverallModelSnapshot(children)
      return snapshot;
    }, {});

// proof of concept related logging.
function logModelSnapshots(viewModel, { model }) {
  // console.log({ model });

  const overallModel = createOverallModelSnapshot(viewModel);
  const currentChange = createCurrentChangeSnapshot(model);

  console.log({ snapshots: { currentChange, overallModel } });

// +++ model and view implementation related code +++

function handleViewStateChange(root, model, mutation) {
  const { target, attributeName, oldValue: recentValue = null } = mutation;
    new CustomEvent('view:state:change', {
      detail: {
          (recentValue === null)
          // omit `recentValue` and alias `attributeName` as `propertyName`
          // in case mutation observer was not involved in the state change.
            ? { propertyName: attributeName }
            : { recentValue, attributeName }

function applyViewToModelHandling(model, key, control, root) {
  // an 'attributes' type mutation does not cover an element's
  // property state change like `checked` for radio/checkbox
  // controls or even a form control's `value` change ...
  const observer = new MutationObserver(
    (mutationList/*, observer*/) => {
      mutationList.forEach(mutation => {
        if (
          mutation.type === 'attributes' &&
          mutation.attributeName === key
        ) {
          handleViewStateChange(root, model, mutation);
  observer.observe(control, { attributes: true });

  // ... thus in order to compensate PROPERTY state changes 
  // which are left unhandled by observing ATTRIBUTES mutations,
  // a form control additionally listens to an 'input' event and
  // forwards the change to a common view-state change-handler.
    .addEventListener('input', ({ currentTarget }) =>
        root, model, { target: currentTarget, attributeName: key },
function applyModelToViewHandling(model, key, control) {
  Object.defineProperty(model, key, {
    get() { return control[key]; },
    set(value) { control[key] = value; },
    enumerable: true,

function applyStateChangeHandlingToBoundContext(key) {
  const { root, model } = this;
  const { node: control } = model;

  applyModelToViewHandling(model, key, control);
  applyViewToModelHandling(model, key, control, root);
function enableStateChangeHandling(root, model, propertyNames) {
    .forEach(applyStateChangeHandlingToBoundContext, { root, model });

 *  - The main function creates a nested view-model according
 *    to the provided nested form-control's DOM-structure.
 *  - Since the implementation follows some generic rules, one can
 *    create view-models from different/varying HTML markup.
 *  - Its most important feature is that the nested model is not
 *    build recursively. But based on ...
 *     - an additionally provided control specific selector
 *     - and an additionally provided selector which targets
 *       each control's parent component/node,
 *    ... the nested hierarchy level of each control can be
 *    identified in a far more flexible/generic way in comparison
 *    to a fixed blueprint model. The latter would not allow any
 *    flexibility within and/or variety of the HTML markup.
 * - One also can provide a list of property/attribute names which
 *   predefine the keys one wants to be part of the bidirectional
 *   state change handling.
function createControlViewModel(
) {
  const modelStorage = new Map;

  const controlList = [
  const viewModel = controlList
    .reduce((modelRoot, control) => {

      const parentComponent = control

      // retrieve model data from control.
      const { name: key, dataset: { name } } = control;

      // create control specific view-model.
      const controlModel = { node: control, key, name };

      // store the control specific view-model
      // by the control element's reference.
      modelStorage.set(control, controlModel);

      // enable bidirectional state change
      // handling for any specified property.
      enableStateChangeHandling(root, controlModel, propertyNames);

      if (!parentComponent || !root.contains(parentComponent)) {

        // first level controls within root.
        modelRoot[key] = controlModel;

      } else {
        const parentControl = parentComponent

        // retrieve parent control model from view-model storage.
        const parentControlModel = modelStorage.get(parentControl);

        // child level controls of related parent.
        (parentControlModel.children ??= {})[key] = controlModel;

      // use `children` rather than the OP's `subLevels` property name.
      // (parentControlModel.subLevels ??= {})[key] = controlModel;
      return modelRoot;

    }, {});

  // proof of concept related logging.
  console.log({ controlList, viewModel });
      ({ detail }) => logModelSnapshots(viewModel, detail),

  return viewModel;

// +++ proof of concept / demo +++

const viewModel = createControlViewModel(
  'li > label > [type="checkbox"]',

// - change view states, here the checkbox control's
//   `checked` properties via the overall view model.
  .children['level-3-b'].checked = true;

  .children['level-2-b'].checked = true;

  .checked = true;
body { margin: 0; }
ul { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 20px; }
.as-console-wrapper { left: auto!important; width: 75%; min-height: 100%!important; }

        data-name="Level 1 a"
      <span class="label">
        Level 1 a


            data-name="Level 2 a"
          <span class="label">
            Level 2 a


                data-name="Level 3 a"
              <span class="label">
                Level 3 a


                data-name="Level 3 b"
              <span class="label">
                Level 3 b



            data-name="Level 2 b"
          <span class="label">
            Level 2 b


        data-name="Level 1 b"
      <span class="label">
        Level 1 b