将 onMounted 中定义的常量提供给上下文

Provide const defined in onMounted to the context

我面临这样一种情况,我需要创建一个 API 调用,但在安装组件之前不应触发它。


onMounted(async() => {
    const {
    } = await useApi(`/profile/${$auth.user.profile.sid}`, null, ['data']);


const computedWaiting = computed<boolean>(() => {
    return pending.value === true;

现在的问题是,computedWaiting 抛出错误,因为 pending 未定义。所以我需要破坏 useApi-response,它基本上是一个 https://github.com/unjs/ohmyfetch-result.

这是 useApi 方法(取自此 GitHub-问题:https://github.com/nuxt/framework/discussions/4504):

import {FetchOptions} from "ohmyfetch";

const csrf_cookie: string = "XSRF-TOKEN";

 * Return the cookies needed by "Sanctum", browser will handle them automatically.
export const useFetchCookies = async () => {

    await $fetch.raw("/backend/sanctum/csrf-cookie", {
        credentials: "include" // Allow browser to handle cookies

 * Api call using nuxt `useFetch`
 * @see {@link https://github.com/unjs/ohmyfetch#readme} ~ ohmyfetch Docs
 * @param url
 * @param options
 * @param pick
export const useApi = async (url: string, options?: FetchOptions, pick?: any) => {

    // First we verify if the `xsrf-token` is present on the browser cookies
    let token = useCookie(csrf_cookie)?.value;

    if (!token) {
        // If not present we will re fetch all cookies, the browser will
        // handle them automatically so we don't need to do anything
        await useFetchCookies();

        // Load the new token value to use it in the `headers`
        token = useCookie(csrf_cookie).value;

    // Here we will create a default set of headers for every request
    // if present we will also spread the `headers` set by the user
    // then we will delete them to avoid collision in next spread
    const headers: HeadersInit = {
        Accept: "application/json",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
        "X-XSRF-TOKEN": token,

    // At this point all the `headers` passed by the user where correctly
    // set in the defaults, now we will spread `options` to remove the
    // `headers` attribute so we don't spread it again in `useFetch`
    const opts: FetchOptions = options ? (({headers, ...opts}) => opts)(options) : null;

    return useLazyFetch(`/backend/api${url}`, {
        server: false,
        credentials: "include", // Allow browser to handle cookies
        pick: pick


了解 useFetch 来自 https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/features/data-fetching, which basically uses ohmyfetch as a composable itself: https://github.com/nuxt/framework/blob/46c656c4b85c3622b99a7c4f6a01f5b11c830be6/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/fetch.ts#L18-L59


那么如何在 onMounted 之后最优雅地暴露 datarefreshpendingerror

onMounted 中调用可组合项而没有特定目的是不正确的。 Vue 可组合项通常直接在设置函数中使用,因此可以立即访问结果。是否可以在其他地方使用它们取决于它们的实现。

如果可组合项涉及异步副作用,它应该 return 反应结果,return 承诺结果会限制其使用。 useFetch 是 Nuxt 可组合的,return 是一个承诺,似乎旨在用于 Nuxt 生命周期挂钩,而 useLazyFetch 是通用的 Vue 可组合。

这在 the usage of useLazyFetch 中显示,结果的属性是引用,因此是反应性的。如果用自定义可组合项包装,useLazyFetch 的结果需要通过 Vue 组合 API 进行 组合,例如pending 应该反映当前操作的整体状态。

useFetchCookiesuseApi 都需要更改为常规可组合项。

export const useToken = () => {
    const data = ref(null);
    const error = ref(null);
    const pending = ref(true);
    const token = useCookie(csrf_cookie).value;

    if (!token) {
      const result = useLazyFetch("/backend/sanctum/csrf-cookie", {
        credentials: "include" 

      watch(result.pending, (val) => {
        pending.value = val;

        if (!val)
          data.value = useCookie(csrf_cookie).value;

      watch(result.error, (val) => {
        error.value = val;
    } else {
      pending.value = false;
      data.value = useCookie(csrf_cookie).value;

    return { data, error, pending };

export const useApi = (url: string, options?: FetchOptions, pick?: any) => {
    const data = ref(null);
    const error = ref(null);
    const pending = ref(true);
    const refresh = () => fetchResult.value?.refresh();
    const fetchResultRef = ref(null);

    const tokenResult = useToken();

      watch(tokenResult.data, (token) => {
        if (!token)

        const headers = ...;
        const opts = ...;    
        fetchResultRef.value = useLazyFetch(`/backend/api${url}`, {
            server: false,
            credentials: "include",
            pick: pick

        () => fetchResultRef.value?.pending ?? true
      ], ([tokenPending, fetchPending]) => {
        pending.value = tokenPending || fetchPending;

        () => fetchResultRef.value?.error ?? null
      ], ([tokenError, fetchError]) => {
        error.value = tokenError || fetchError;

      watch(() => fetchResultRef.value?.data ?? null, (value) => {
        data.value = value;

      return { data, error, pending, refresh };

请注意,在此实现中,useCookie 结果是反应性的,但反应性被丢弃,因此 useToken 中的 refresh 仍未使用。 useLazyFetch 立即执行请求,不管名字是什么,所以它的调用需要推迟到 headers 可用。它可以在设置函数之后异步调用,这是它的实现允许的。