如何在 PHP 中动态显示数组中的此类数据

How to Dynamically display this kind of data from an Array in PHP

$branch = [
 '7232' => [
        'name' => 'United State Branch',
        'branch_id' => 7232
 '5431' => [
        'name' => 'Brazil Branch',
        'branch_id' => 5431

在分支的每个循环中,我想获取分支率数据并显示它以与示例图像对齐。 (只是显示是我所需要的,不能只是想办法在每个循环中很好地对齐 html。

SAMPLE DATA OF RATES after getting it from DB

$getRate = [
     '0' => [
            'kg' => '1',
            'amount' => 50,
            'branch_id' => 7232
     '1' => [
            'kg' => '2',
            'amount' => 110,
            'branch_id' => 7232

请社区,如何根据附图将其对齐好?? 谢谢

有必要 assemble 一个新的嵌套数据结构,它可以让您以正确的顺序获取所需的数据。收集这样一个结构的例子:

// kg => branch_id => item
$indexedItems = [];

foreach ($getRate as $item) {
    $kg = $item['kg'];
    $branchId = $item['branch_id'];

    $indexedItems[$kg][$branchId] = $item;


      <?php foreach ($branch as $column): ?>
        <th><?= $column['name'] ?></th>
      <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php foreach ($indexedItems as $row): ?>
        <?php foreach ($branch as $column): ?>
          <?php $item = $row[$column['branch_id']]; ?>
          <td><?= $item['kg'] ?>kg - $<?= $item['amount'] ?></td>
        <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

谢谢大家,非常感谢大家的贡献和 @7-zete-7。 遵循相同的程序并能够解决它。这对我来说有点棘手。

Below is a full replica of the code;

// kg => branch_id => item
$indexedItems = [];

        <?php foreach(GLOBALS::init('lh')['branch'] as $value) :?>
            <th><?php echo $value['name'];?></th>

                $getRate = getRatesByBranch($value['branch_id']);
                $r_currency = getCurrencyData($value['currency'])['symbol'];

            <?php foreach($getRate as $key => $item) :?> 
                    $item['currency'] = $r_currency;
                    $indexedItems[$key][$item['branch_id']] = $item; 
            <?php endforeach;?>

        <?php endforeach;?>

    <?php foreach ($indexedItems as $row): ?>
            <?php foreach (GLOBALS::init('lh')['branch'] as $column): ?>

                    $item = NULL;
                        $item = $row[$column['branch_id']]; 
                <?php if(!is_null($item)) :?>
                    <td><?= $item['kg'] ?>kg - <?= "{$item['currency']} {$item['amount']}" ?></td>
                <?php endif;?>
            <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

Thank you all once again and Happy to be here!!!