事件变化 - 什么是 "record mode"?

event change - What is "record mode"?


在 SAP GuiSession Object 文档中,我不明白什么是“记录模式”。

Change Public Event Change( ByVal Session As GuiSession, ByVal Component As GuiComponent, ByVal CommandArray As Variant )

In record mode, the session collects changes to elements of the user interface and sends these changes to a listening application whenever server communication is about to start or if the record mode is turned off. The change events are raised immediately before the startRequest event. There is at least one event for every modified element in the recorded session.

GuiSession Object 中查看右上角:

Record (Read-write) Public Property Record As Byte

Setting this property to True enables the recording mode of the session. In this mode changes to elements of the user interface are recorded within SAP GUI and sent to a recording application using the Change event described later.