QString 将驼峰大小写转换为 space 分隔的单词
QString convert camel case to space separated words
我正在尝试将驼峰式 QString 转换为以空格分隔的小写单词。我目前有:
QString camelCase = "thisIsACamelCaseWord"
QString unCamelCase = camelCase.replace(QRegularExpression("([A-Z])", " ")).toLower();
这似乎有效 here,
"this Is A Camel Case Word"
"this s amel ase ord"
自 QRegularExpression uses PRCE the back reference syntax is '[=10=]', '' and so on as explained in the documentation.
我正在尝试将驼峰式 QString 转换为以空格分隔的小写单词。我目前有:
QString camelCase = "thisIsACamelCaseWord"
QString unCamelCase = camelCase.replace(QRegularExpression("([A-Z])", " ")).toLower();
这似乎有效 here,
"this Is A Camel Case Word"
"this s amel ase ord"
自 QRegularExpression uses PRCE the back reference syntax is '[=10=]', '' and so on as explained in the documentation.