下面的 Split 函数中的 (0) 是什么意思?

What is (0) means on the below Split function?

它工作正常,但我不明白 (0) 到底是什么意思!
根据 MS 文档和代码智能感知,它应该是 Limit as integer
但在这种情况下,它应该像所有其他参数一样位于 Split 函数本身的括号内

Dim lastCol_L As String
lastCol_L = Split(Cells(1, lastCol_n).Address(True, False), "$")(0)

lastCol_n 是来自其他代码的整数 感谢所有有用的回答

I do not understand what is (0) means exactly !


Dim lastCol_L As String
'an array of strings
Dim arr() as String
'split the cell by $ sign into an array of strings
arr = Split(Cells(1, lastCol_n).Address(True, False), "$")
'the first item of the array
lastCol_L = arr(0)