BFS 所有路径到特定深度

BFS all paths to specific depth

我正在使用 networkx 库生成一个给定父子关系的无向图。给定深度 x 和图形的起点,我可以找到深度 x 处的所有节点,但我还想要到达该节点的路径。如何收集到达路径时遍历的节点?[​​=24=]

这是我的代码,它让我获得 depth <= x

def descendants_at_distance(G, source, distance):
    if not G.has_node(source):
        raise nx.NetworkXError(f"The node {source} is not in the graph.")
    current_distance = 0
    current_layer = {source}
    visited = {source}
    layer_with_distance = {}

    while current_distance < distance:
        next_layer = set()
        for node in current_layer:
            # print(G[node])
            for child in G[node]:
                if child not in visited:
        current_layer = next_layer
        current_distance += 1
        layer_with_distance.update({current_distance: current_layer})
    layer_with_distance =  {key:val for (key, val) in layer_with_distance.items() if val}
    return layer_with_distance

以上代码是对内置networkx库代码的修改,因为我需要depth = 1...x

df_links = [(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,6),(3,9),(4,7),(4,8),(9,7),(9,10),(7,8),(7,10), (15,16)]
Graph = nx.Graph(df_links)

例如上面的例子,如果 source = 1distance = 3 输出应该是 {1: {2, 3, 4}, 2: {8, 9, 6, 7}, 3: {10}} 其中 key = distancevalue = nodes at distance.

我想要的是在每个键值对处遍历的节点。比如depth = 2处的节点是{8,9,6,7}(顺序无所谓),每个遍历的节点是这样的。 1-4-8, 1-3-9, 1-2-6, 1-4-7


这样的事情可能会奏效:我添加了另一个字典来收集沿途的每个站点,输出与您所说的相同 (输出见底部)

    layer_with_distance = {}
    tracker = {} # added this
    while current_distance < distance:
        tracker[source] = {} # added this
        next_layer = set()
        for node in current_layer:
            # print(G[node])
            tracker[source][node] = []  # added this
            for child in G[node]:
                if child not in visited:
                    tracker[source][node].append(child) #added this
        current_layer = next_layer
        current_distance += 1
        layer_with_distance.update({current_distance: current_layer})

    layer_with_distance =  {key:val for (key, val) in layer_with_distance.items() if val}
    return layer_with_distance, tracker # added to this

df_links = [(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,6),(3,9),(4,7),(4,8),(9,7),(9,10),(7,8),(7,10), (15,16)]
Graph = nx.Graph(df_links)
print(descendants_at_distance(Graph, 1, 2))


layer_with_distance: {1: {2, 3, 4}, 2: {8, 9, 6, 7}}

tracker: {1: {2: [6], 3: [9], 4: [7, 8]}}