带有来自数据框的条形图的 matplotlib
matplotlib with bar chart from dataframe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
plt.plot(df2['ID Year'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Hispanic or Latino'], df2['TOT Population'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Hispanic or Latino'])
plt.plot(df2['ID Year'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Not Hispanic or Latino'], df2['TOT Population'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Not Hispanic or Latino'], '-.')
plt.xlabel('TOT Population')
plt.title('My plot')
plt.plot(kind ='bar')
Ethnicity TOT Population ID Race ID Ethnicity ID Year HPO
0 Hispanic or Latino 9825 4 1 2013 2345
1 Hispanic or Latino 12234 4 1 2014 2660
2 Hispanic or Latino 12437 4 1 2018 2429
3 Hispanic or Latino 13502 4 1 2016 3254
4 Hispanic or Latino 14025 4 1 2019 2644
5 Not Hispanic or Latino 14616636 0 0 2017 7788
6 Not Hispanic or Latino 14725729 0 0 2016 8629
7 Not Hispanic or Latino 14815122 0 0 2015 7888
8 Not Hispanic or Latino 14849129 0 0 2014 7495
9 Not Hispanic or Latino 14884539 0 0 2013 6586
x 轴为 TOT 人口,y 轴为年份,柱形代表西班牙裔人口而非西班牙裔人口
第一个 pivot
your data and than use barh
df.pivot('ID Year', 'Ethnicity', 'TOT Population').plot.barh()
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Ethnicity': ['Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino'],
'TOT Population': [9825, 12234, 12437, 13502, 14025, 14616636, 14725729, 14815122, 14849129, 14884539],
'ID Race': [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'ID Ethnicity': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'ID Year': [2013, 2014, 2018, 2016, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013],
'HPO': [2345, 2660, 2429, 3254, 2644, 7788, 8629, 7888, 7495, 6586]})
df.pivot('ID Year', 'Ethnicity', 'TOT Population').plot.barh(logx=True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
plt.plot(df2['ID Year'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Hispanic or Latino'], df2['TOT Population'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Hispanic or Latino'])
plt.plot(df2['ID Year'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Not Hispanic or Latino'], df2['TOT Population'][df2['Ethnicity'] == 'Not Hispanic or Latino'], '-.')
plt.xlabel('TOT Population')
plt.title('My plot')
plt.plot(kind ='bar')
Ethnicity TOT Population ID Race ID Ethnicity ID Year HPO
0 Hispanic or Latino 9825 4 1 2013 2345
1 Hispanic or Latino 12234 4 1 2014 2660
2 Hispanic or Latino 12437 4 1 2018 2429
3 Hispanic or Latino 13502 4 1 2016 3254
4 Hispanic or Latino 14025 4 1 2019 2644
5 Not Hispanic or Latino 14616636 0 0 2017 7788
6 Not Hispanic or Latino 14725729 0 0 2016 8629
7 Not Hispanic or Latino 14815122 0 0 2015 7888
8 Not Hispanic or Latino 14849129 0 0 2014 7495
9 Not Hispanic or Latino 14884539 0 0 2013 6586
我想要一个条形图: x 轴为 TOT 人口,y 轴为年份,柱形代表西班牙裔人口而非西班牙裔人口
第一个 pivot
your data and than use barh
df.pivot('ID Year', 'Ethnicity', 'TOT Population').plot.barh()
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Ethnicity': ['Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino'],
'TOT Population': [9825, 12234, 12437, 13502, 14025, 14616636, 14725729, 14815122, 14849129, 14884539],
'ID Race': [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'ID Ethnicity': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
'ID Year': [2013, 2014, 2018, 2016, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013],
'HPO': [2345, 2660, 2429, 3254, 2644, 7788, 8629, 7888, 7495, 6586]})
df.pivot('ID Year', 'Ethnicity', 'TOT Population').plot.barh(logx=True)