PDFKit 在使用 for 循环时将文本拆分为两个相等的列
PDFKit split text into two equal columns while using for loop
我正在尝试使用 PDFKit
来生成一个简单的 pdf,在大多数情况下,pdf 可以工作,但尽管以一种非常无用的方式,但我拥有的是一个甲板建筑 API在许多卡片中,我想将这些对象中的每一个导出为 pdf,就像显示它们的名称一样简单,但事实上,pdf 一次只呈现一张卡片,而且只在一行上,我喜欢什么发生的事情是让它把文本分成几列,这样它看起来就和这个类似。
column 1 | column 2
c1 c8
c2 c9
c3 c10
c4 c(n)
module.exports = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// find the deck
const deck = await Deck.findById(req.params.deckId);
// need to sort cards by name
await deck.cards.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
} else if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// Create a new PDF document
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe its output somewhere, like to a file or HTTP response
// Embed a font, set the font size, and render some text
doc.fontSize(25).text(`${deck.deck_name} Deck List`, {
align: "center",
underline: true,
underlineColor: "#000000",
underlineThickness: 2,
// We need to create two columns for the cards
// The first column will be the card name
// The second column will continue the cards listed
const section = doc.struct("P");
for (const card of deck.cards) {
doc.text(`${card.name}`, {
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 10,
columns: 2,
columnGap: 10,
continued: true,
// finalize the PDF and end the response
res.status(200).json({ message: "PDF generated successfully" });
} catch (error) {
success: false,
message: `Server Error - ${error.message}`,
我认为问题在于您依赖于 PDFKit 的文本“流动”API/logic,并且当两张卡片不够大而无法流动 你的列,你在一列中得到两张卡片。
我会说你真正想要的是创建一个 table——基于你的初始文本样本。
PDFKit 还没有 table API,所以你必须自己补一个。
- 页面大小
- 文本单元格的大小(您自己手动选择,或使用 PDFKit 告诉您某段文本有多大)
- 边距
const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const fs = require('fs');
// Create mock-up Cards for OP
const cards = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cards.push(`Card ${i + 1}`);
// Set a sensible starting point for each page
const originX = 50;
const originY = 50;
const doc = new PDFDocument({ size: 'LETTER' });
// Define row height and column widths, based on font size; either manually,
// or use commented-out heightOf and widthOf methods to dynamically pick sizes
const rowH = 50; // doc.heightOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]);
const colW = 150; // doc.widthOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]); // because the last card is the "longest" piece of text
// Margins aren't really discussed in the documentation; I can ignore the top and left margin by
// placing the text at (0,0), but I cannot write below the bottom margin
const pageH = doc.page.height;
const rowsPerPage = parseInt((pageH - originY - doc.page.margins.bottom) / rowH);
const colsPerPage = 2;
var cardIdx = 0;
while (cardIdx < cards.length) {
var colOffset = 0;
while (colOffset < colsPerPage) {
const posX = originX + (colOffset * colW);
var rowOffset = 0;
while (rowOffset < rowsPerPage) {
const posY = originY + (rowOffset * rowH);
doc.text(cards[cardIdx], posX, posY);
cardIdx += 1;
rowOffset += 1;
colOffset += 1;
// This is hacky, but PDFKit adds a page by default so the loop doesn't 100% control when a page is added;
// this prevents an empty trailing page from being added
if (cardIdx < cards.length) {
// Finalize PDF file
当我 运行 得到一个 4 页的 PDF,如下所示:
改变 colW = 250
和 colsPerPage = 3
我正在尝试使用 PDFKit
来生成一个简单的 pdf,在大多数情况下,pdf 可以工作,但尽管以一种非常无用的方式,但我拥有的是一个甲板建筑 API在许多卡片中,我想将这些对象中的每一个导出为 pdf,就像显示它们的名称一样简单,但事实上,pdf 一次只呈现一张卡片,而且只在一行上,我喜欢什么发生的事情是让它把文本分成几列,这样它看起来就和这个类似。
column 1 | column 2
c1 c8
c2 c9
c3 c10
c4 c(n)
module.exports = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// find the deck
const deck = await Deck.findById(req.params.deckId);
// need to sort cards by name
await deck.cards.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name < b.name) {
return -1;
} else if (a.name > b.name) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// Create a new PDF document
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe its output somewhere, like to a file or HTTP response
// Embed a font, set the font size, and render some text
doc.fontSize(25).text(`${deck.deck_name} Deck List`, {
align: "center",
underline: true,
underlineColor: "#000000",
underlineThickness: 2,
// We need to create two columns for the cards
// The first column will be the card name
// The second column will continue the cards listed
const section = doc.struct("P");
for (const card of deck.cards) {
doc.text(`${card.name}`, {
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 10,
columns: 2,
columnGap: 10,
continued: true,
// finalize the PDF and end the response
res.status(200).json({ message: "PDF generated successfully" });
} catch (error) {
success: false,
message: `Server Error - ${error.message}`,
我认为问题在于您依赖于 PDFKit 的文本“流动”API/logic,并且当两张卡片不够大而无法流动 你的列,你在一列中得到两张卡片。
我会说你真正想要的是创建一个 table——基于你的初始文本样本。
PDFKit 还没有 table API,所以你必须自己补一个。
- 页面大小
- 文本单元格的大小(您自己手动选择,或使用 PDFKit 告诉您某段文本有多大)
- 边距
const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const fs = require('fs');
// Create mock-up Cards for OP
const cards = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cards.push(`Card ${i + 1}`);
// Set a sensible starting point for each page
const originX = 50;
const originY = 50;
const doc = new PDFDocument({ size: 'LETTER' });
// Define row height and column widths, based on font size; either manually,
// or use commented-out heightOf and widthOf methods to dynamically pick sizes
const rowH = 50; // doc.heightOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]);
const colW = 150; // doc.widthOfString(cards[cards.length - 1]); // because the last card is the "longest" piece of text
// Margins aren't really discussed in the documentation; I can ignore the top and left margin by
// placing the text at (0,0), but I cannot write below the bottom margin
const pageH = doc.page.height;
const rowsPerPage = parseInt((pageH - originY - doc.page.margins.bottom) / rowH);
const colsPerPage = 2;
var cardIdx = 0;
while (cardIdx < cards.length) {
var colOffset = 0;
while (colOffset < colsPerPage) {
const posX = originX + (colOffset * colW);
var rowOffset = 0;
while (rowOffset < rowsPerPage) {
const posY = originY + (rowOffset * rowH);
doc.text(cards[cardIdx], posX, posY);
cardIdx += 1;
rowOffset += 1;
colOffset += 1;
// This is hacky, but PDFKit adds a page by default so the loop doesn't 100% control when a page is added;
// this prevents an empty trailing page from being added
if (cardIdx < cards.length) {
// Finalize PDF file
当我 运行 得到一个 4 页的 PDF,如下所示:
改变 colW = 250
和 colsPerPage = 3