Javascript [ document.write ("___"); ] 不以 document.write 开始每一行的快捷方式 ("

Javacript [ document.write ("___"); ] Shortcut to not start each line with document.write ("

在此代码中,我想在 JavaScript 中插入一些 HTML 和普通文本,并且不希望它总是在每一行的开头输入 document.write(",例如:

document.write("some text
some text
some text");


document.write("Hello World!");
document.write("Have a nice day!");
document.write("<p>some random paragraph");

document.write("Hello World!");
document.write("Have a nice day!");
document.write("<p>some random paragraph");

  1. Don't use document.write:

⚠ Warning: Use of the document.write() method is strongly discouraged.

  1. 使用 template/string 创建 HTML,然后将其分配给文档正文(或您想要的任何元素)的 innerHTML

document.body.innerHTML = `
  Hello World!<br />
  Have a nice day!<br />
  <p>some random paragraph</p>


而是使用 document.body.innerHTML = '';

document.body.innerHTML = `
your text
your text