
How do I put a condition to display or not a content with react?

如果 other:[],我怎样才能不显示我的 InfoIcon。事实上,当我想在 Table 中显示我的所有数据时,我有一个空的其他成员(逻辑因为我没有其他人)但是显示了图标。如果other:[]请问我怎样才能删除这个图标?

    "participation": [
            "family": [
                    "name": "Huston",
                    "age": "23"
            "other": [
                    "name": "Luk",
                    "age": "65"
            "family": [
                    "name": "Laurence",
                    "age": "5"
            "other": []

export default function App() {
    const data = useMemo(() => [
            Header: 'Other',
            accessor: (row) => row.other,
            Cell: (props) => (
                    {props.value !== [] ? props.value.map(({ name }) => name).join(", ") : ''}
                    <InfoIcon position="right" message={props.value !== [] ? props.value.map((o) => (
                        <span key={o.name}>
                            <p>Age: {o.age}</p>
                        : ''
                    } />
                </div >

如果我理解你的问题,你可以在调用 InfoIcon 之前检查 props.value.length 是否大于 0,如下所示:

export default function App() {
    const data = useMemo(() => [
            Header: 'Other',
            accessor: (row) => row.other,
            Cell: (props) => (
                    {props.value !== [] ? props.value.map(({ name }) => name).join(", ") : ''}
                    {props.value.length > 0 && <InfoIcon position="right" message={props.value !== [] ? props.value.map((o) => (
                        <span key={o.name}>
                            <p>Age: {o.age}</p>
                        : ''
                    } />}
                </div >