我怎样才能优雅地处理 maybe monad 的 Nothing 分支?

How can I handle Nothing branch of maybe monad gracefully?

data Union = F Float | I Int | S String

getUnionFromString :: String -> Union
getUnionFromString str =
    case (readMaybe str :: Maybe Int) of
        Just i  -> I i
        Nothing ->
            case (readMaybe str :: Maybe Float) of
                Just f  -> F f
                Nothing -> S str

getStr (F f) = "Float " ++ show f
getStr (I i) = "Int " ++ show i
getStr (S s) = "String " ++ s

main = do
    str <- getLine
    putStrLn $ getStr (getUnionFromString str)

我想制作一个将字符串转换为联合类型(Float | Int | String) 的函数。所以我用 readMaybe 来找出字符串的类型。然后,使用 case-of 来处理 JustNothing 分支。我认为它不能用 MaybeMonad 行为来应对这种情况,因为我不想在 Nothing 出来时停止计算,我想处理 Nothing案件。 getUnionFromString函数有没有更好的写法?

我们可以使用 Control.Applicative.<|> 来简化尝试不同表达式的逻辑,如果计算结果为 Nothing:

Prelude> import Control.Applicative
Prelude Control.Applicative> Just 1 <|> Nothing
Just 1
Prelude Control.Applicative> Just 1 <|> Just 2
Just 1
Prelude Control.Applicative> Nothing <|> Just 1
Just 1
Prelude Control.Applicative> Nothing <|> Nothing

将它与 Data.Maybe.fromMaybe 一起使用,我们可以将代码简化为:

getUnionFromString :: String -> Union
getUnionFromString str = fromMaybe (S str) $ (I <$> readMaybe str) <|> (F <$> readMaybe str)

Haskell 的类型推断能够找出第一个 readMaybe 想要一个 Maybe Int 而第二个想要 Maybe Float,而无需我们明确要求它。


import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Text.Read

data Union = F Float | I Int | S String

getUnionFromString :: String -> Union
getUnionFromString str = fromMaybe (S str) $ (I <$> readMaybe str) <|> (F <$> readMaybe str)

getStr (F f) = "Float " ++ show f
getStr (I i) = "Int " ++ show i
getStr (S s) = "String " ++ s

main = do
  str <- getLine
  putStrLn $ getStr (getUnionFromString str)