如何使用 BeautifulSoup 和 Python 仅 select 此文本节点?

How to select only this text node using BeautifulSoup and Python?

我有这个 html 结构 :

<div class="foo">
    <br>Some text I want to retrieve. <br><br> This text too.
    <br> (numbers and position of "br" tag indetermined) And this one too.
    <div class="subfoo">Some other text I don't want.</div>

在我的 python 脚本中,我写了 :

exampleSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
elems = exampleSoup.select('.foo')


Some text I want to retrieve.
Some other text I don't want.

如何只获取 div 中没有标签的字符串,即 :"Some text I want to retrieve. This text too. And this one too." ? 感谢您的帮助。

您可以使用 .next_sibling 获取树中的下一个元素。


>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
>>> print soup.prettify()
  <div class="foo">
   Some text I want to retrieve.
   <div class="subfoo">
    Some other text I don't want.

>>> print soup.find('div', { 'class' : 'foo' } ).h3.next_sibling.strip()
Some text I want to retrieve.