Applescript:从 shell 脚本中获取编号文件夹列表并确定最高值

Applescript: Getting a list of numbered folders from a shell script and identifying the highest value

我有两个不同的处理程序,一个获取文件夹中文件夹的名称(如“1.0”和“1.1”之类的数字),然后将其转换为 applescript 列表。然后它将该列表传递给另一个处理程序,该处理程序评估该列表并据称确定最高数字(我从 获得)。

on set_values(project_path)
do shell script "ls " & project_path
get words of result
set allvalues to (result)
return allvalues
end set_values


set values_list to result

这是从列表中获取最大数字的处理程序,由 macosxautomation 提供:

on highnum(values_list)
set the high_amount to ""
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the values_list
    set this_item to item i of the values_list
    set the item_class to the class of this_item
    if the item_class is in {integer, real} then
        if the high_amount is "" then
            set the high_amount to this_item
        else if this_item is greater than the high_amount then
            set the high_amount to item i of the values_list
        end if
    else if the item_class is list then
        set the high_value to highnum(this_item)
        if the the high_value is greater than the high_amount then ¬
            set the high_amount to the high_value
    end if
end repeat
return high_amount
end highnum


该应用程序的重点是通过允许创建新的 'projects'、将现有应用程序导入新的 'project' 并允许编辑 'project' 轻松。如果您选择编辑项目,您可以选择 "minor update"(有效地将“0.0.1”添加到您的最新版本)或我已经完成的许多其他选项。我可以使用文本项定界符解决多位小数加法,但我不确定如何从 highnum() 处理程序中获取多位小数,这是过程的关键部分

highnum() 处理程序比较 realinteger 值,但 shell 脚本 returns string 值。

AppleScript 有一个用于比较数字字符串的内置选项。


on highnum(values_list)
    set high_amount to "0.0"
    considering numeric strings
        repeat with aValue in values_list
            set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "."}
            set aValueItems to text items of aValue
            if (count aValueItems) > 1 then
                set text item delimiters to ""
                    aValueItems as text as integer
                    if aValue > high_amount then set high_amount to contents of aValue
                end try
            end if
            set text item delimiters to TID
        end repeat
    end considering
    return high_amount
end highnum

这是 set_values() 处理程序的简单版本

on set_values(project_path)
    return paragraphs of (do shell script "ls " & project_path)
end set_values

要添加您可以使用此处理程序的版本字符串,它会考虑具有不同 "decimal places".

set newVersionString to addVersionStrings("1.1.1", "2.0") --> 3.1.1

on addVersionStrings(string1, string2)
    set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "."}
    set textItems1 to text items of string1
    set textItems2 to text items of string2
    if (count textItems1) < (count textItems2) then
        set minCount to count textItems1
        set _sum to textItems2
        set _add to textItems1
        set minCount to count textItems2
        set _sum to textItems1
        set _add to textItems2
    end if
    repeat with i from 1 to minCount
        set item i of _sum to (get (item i of _sum as integer) + (item i of _add as integer)) as text
    end repeat
    set theResult to _sum as text
    set text item delimiters to TID
    return theResult
end addVersionStrings