
Can I force a passed object to implement one or more interfaces?

我正在尝试编写一个 class,它依赖于在启动时传递给其构造函数的对象。这个对象应该是某个抽象基础 class 并且必须实现在要启动的 class 中定义的接口。但是我不知道这在 Java 中是否可行。代码应如下所示:

// The Base class implementing all basic functionality
abstract class A {
    public void letBaseDoSomething() {
        System.out.println("A does something...");

// Child class extending A
public class B extends A implements Z_requirements {
    public void letMoreDoSomething() {
        System.out.println("B does something...");
    public Boolean canDoStuff() { /* functionality */}

// Now this is the class I want to initiate:
public class Z {
    public interface Z_requirements {
        Boolean canDoStuff();

    public Z(<A implements Z_requirements> base) {
        // PROBLEM
        // This "base" class needs to both extend from the
        // Base class AND implement the Z_requirements interface
        // but apart from defining it in the doc, how do I enforce
        // this in code? This way I can call both:
        // and

如果我没记错的话,在 Objective-C 中可以指定实现几个 "protocols" 的委托对象,这些基本上是接口。


实际上,我可能批准得太快了......按照下面的建议,我现在如何将 T base 分配给委托对象,对 Z 私有?例如:

public class Z<T extends A & Z.Z_requirements> {
    public static interface Z_requirements {/* definition */}
    private T delegate;
    public Z(T base) {

如果我使用此代码,我总是会收到 "type safety" 警告:

Z z = new Z(class_B_implementing_Z_requirements);

...如果我在构造函数中包含 <T>,我会收到 "type undefined" 错误:

Z<T> z = new Z<T>(class_B_implementing_Z_requirements);



Z<B> z = new Z<B>(class_B_implementing_Z_requirements);

你必须使用generics. Declare a generic method with a type parameter that is bounded多种类型:

public static <T extends A & Z_requirements> void doIt(T base) {

或者 - 如果您想在构造函数中执行此操作 - 您必须以相同的方式约束您的 class Z

public class Z<T extends A & Z.Z_requirements> {
    public static interface Z_requirements {
        Boolean canDoStuff();

    public Z(T base) {
public interface W { public Boolean canDoStuff() { /* so do it */ } }

public ZZTop extends B implements W
  // ...

public Z
  public Z(ZZtop zztop) {}

ZZTop 将从 B 继承并且必须从 W 实现 canDoStuff。