PostgreSql crashed with error: 'server process (PID XXXX) was terminated by exception 0xC0000142'

PostgreSql crashed with error: 'server process (PID XXXX) was terminated by exception 0xC0000142'

我在 4G 内存上安装了 Postgresql 9.2 运行,Atom N2800 CPU Windows POS READY 嵌入式系统(类似于 XP)机器,基本上它 运行 在生产环境中多年都很好,但在最近的性能( 不是压力)测试中经常崩溃(服务停止)。

我认为测试不会带来太大压力,通过启用 log_min_duration_statement = 0,下面列出了测试所做的简化的总体统计数据:

假设 20 分钟是一个度量单位,那么在一个单位内:

5000 次 UPDATE 每次查询包含 20KB 大小的数据(包含一个 Text 字段)。

35000 次 SELECT,每个查询返回 20KB 大小的数据(以获得那个 Text 字段)。


2015-07-29 16:41:53.500 SGT,,,5512,,55b87f74.1588,2,,2015-07-29 15:23:32 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"server process (PID 4416) was terminated by exception 0xC0000142",,"See C include file ""ntstatus.h"" for a description of the hexadecimal value.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:53.500 SGT,,,5512,,55b87f74.1588,3,,2015-07-29 15:23:32 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"terminating any other active server processes",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:53.500 SGT,"eps","transactiondatabase",6960,"",55b891cf.1b30,9,"idle",2015-07-29 16:41:51 SGT,146/0,0,WARNING,57P00,"terminating connection because of crash of another server process","The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.","In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:53.515 SGT,"eps","transactiondatabase",5828,"",55b891c2.16c4,155,"idle",2015-07-29 16:41:38 SGT,145/0,0,WARNING,57P00,"terminating connection because of crash of another server process","The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.","In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:53.515 SGT,"eps","transactiondatabase",6448,"",55b891c2.1930,5,"idle",2015-07-29 16:41:38 SGT,93/0,0,WARNING,57P00,"terminating connection because of crash of another server process","The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.","In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:54.500 SGT,,,8004,,55b87f76.1f44,2,,2015-07-29 15:23:34 SGT,1/0,0,WARNING,57P00,"terminating connection because of crash of another server process","The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.","In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:41:54.515 SGT,,,5512,,55b87f74.1588,4,,2015-07-29 15:23:32 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"all server processes terminated; reinitializing",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:42:04.515 SGT,,,5512,,55b87f74.1588,5,,2015-07-29 15:23:32 SGT,,0,FATAL,XX000,"pre-existing shared memory block is still in use",,"Check if there are any old server processes still running, and terminate them.",,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:51:02.078 SGT,,,5828,,55b893f6.16c4,1,,2015-07-29 16:51:02 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"database system was interrupted; last known up at 2015-07-29 16:40:36 SGT",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:51:02.093 SGT,,,5828,,55b893f6.16c4,2,,2015-07-29 16:51:02 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:51:02.109 SGT,,,5828,,55b893f6.16c4,3,,2015-07-29 16:51:02 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"redo starts at 0/12C79578",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:51:02.421 SGT,,,5828,,55b893f6.16c4,4,,2015-07-29 16:51:02 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"unexpected pageaddr 0/1046A000 in log file 0, segment 19, offset 4628480",,,,,,,,,""
2015-07-29 16:51:02.421 SGT,,,5828,,55b893f6.16c4,5,,2015-07-29 16:51:02 SGT,,0,LOG,00000,"redo done at 0/13469FC8",,,,,,,,,""

我可以指出的是 shared_buffers 的数据库配置,现在设置为 256MB,它无缘无故地存在,是否有助于增加该值?

其他主要设置:max_connections=200temp_buffers = 16MBwork_mem = 8MB


MSDN says:

  • 0xC0000142
  • {DLL Initialization Failed} Initialization of the dynamic link library %hs failed. The process is terminating abnormally.

所以这是一个 DLL 加载问题 and/or 启动新进程的问题。如果非要我猜的话,我会说您的 XP Embedded 系统上的打开文件数、运行 进程数等可能已达到限制。您可能想要降低 max_connections.