如何使用 spring 批注解将作业参数导入项目处理器

How to get Job parameteres in to item processor using spring Batch annotation

我正在使用 spring MVC。从我的控制器中,我正在调用 jobLauncher,在 jobLauncher 中,我正在传递如下作业参数,并且我正在使用注释来启用配置,如下所示:

public class BatchConfiguration {
        // read, write ,process and invoke job

JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder().addString("fileName", "xxxx.txt").toJobParameters();
stasrtjob = jobLauncher.run(job, jobParameters);                              

and here is my itemprocessor                                                         
public class DataItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<InputData, OutPutData> {

  public OutPutData process(final InputData inputData) throws Exception {

        // i want to get job Parameters here ????



1) 在您的数据处理器上添加范围注释,即

@Scope(value = "step") 

2) 在您的数据处理器中创建一个 class 实例并使用值注释注入作业参数值:

private String fileName;

您的最终数据处理器 class 将如下所示:

@Scope(value = "step")
public class DataItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<InputData, OutPutData> {

private String fileName;

  public OutPutData process(final InputData inputData) throws Exception {

        // i want to get job Parameters here ????
      System.out.println("Job parameter:"+fileName);


  public void setFileName(String fileName) {
        this.fileName = fileName;


如果您的数据处理器未初始化为 bean,请在其上添加 @Component 注释:

@Scope(value = "step")
public class DataItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<InputData, OutPutData> {

避免使用 Spring 的 hacky 表达式语言 (SpEL) 的更好解决方案(在我看来)是使用 @BeforeStepStepExecution 上下文自动连接到您的处理器中。


public void beforeStep(final StepExecution stepExecution) {
    JobParameters jobParameters = stepExecution.getJobParameters();
    // Do stuff with job parameters, e.g. set class-scoped variables, etc.


Marks a method to be called before a Step is executed, which comes after a StepExecution is created and persisted, but before the first item is read.