Meteor - 运行 客户端异步回调 for 循环后的代码

Meteor - Run code after for-loop of async callbacks on the client

在 Meteor 中,我有一个充满异步地理编码请求的 for 循环发送到 google 地图 api。 完成所有地理编码后,我想显示一个 table,其中包含所有失败的地理编码尝试。 最好的模式是什么?据我了解,我有 3 个选项:

  1. Promises - 我可以将 google 映射回调设置为一个 promise & 使用 thenable 到 return 错误布尔值,可能使用 bluebird polyfill。

  2. NPM async - 我可以在每次迭代时调用 async.each & 如果它是最后一次,return 错误布尔值是这样的:How to call a function after an asynchronous for loop of Object values finished executing

  3. 像这样使用会话变量:

    Deps.autorun(function() { console.log(Session.get('hasError')); });

  4. 创建流星方法并使用 Meteor.wrapasync???

  5. 调用它

任何有关 Meteor 最佳实践的指导都将非常有用,谢谢!


lookupAddress(function(hasError, errArr) {
  if (hasError === false) {
    console.log("no errors");
  } else {
    console.log (errArr);


function lookupAddress(callback) {
  var hasError = false;
  var errArr = [];
  var cursorClosed = false;
  var outstandingCalls = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    (function (j) { //wrap in an iffe to get 'i' byVal, not byRef
      if (j === n - 1) cursorClosed = true; //check if I'm on the last iteration
      geocoder.geocode({'address': address}, function (results, status) {
        if (status === "OK") {
        } else {
          hasError = true;
        outstandingCalls--; //reduce queue for each completed async call
        if (cursorClosed && outstandingCalls === 0) { //if no more iters and we're on the last async call
          return callback(hasError, errArr)
    outstandingCalls++; //for each loop iter add 1 to the async queue


// Local collection, not synced to server
var geocodeErrors = new Mongo.Collection();

// Reactive variable to track completion
var geocodingComplete = new ReactiveVar(false);

var lookupThings = function (addresses) {
  // How many are there?
  var count = addresses.length;

  // Count how many requests are complete
  var complete = 0;

  // Use underscore to make iteration easier
  _.each(addresses, function (address) {
    geocode(address, function (results, status) {
      if (status === "OK") {
        // do whatever
      } else {
          address: address,
          otherData: "whatever"

      if (complete === count) {

  geocodeErrors: function () {
    // Use an if statement to only display the errors when everything is done
    if (geocodingComplete.get()) {
      return geocodeErrors.find();


<template name="results">
    {{#each geocodeErrors}}
      <li>Address failed: {{address}}</li>

我认为主要的收获是 Meteor 风格是使用反应变量和集合而不是回调。