如何在 cleartool 中注释文件夹

How to annotate a folder in cleartool

我正在尝试使用命令 cleartool annotate folderName 来注释文件夹 收到错误

cleartool: Error: Unable to create file "test_tut_element_vob.ann": Permission denied.


cleartool annotate man page 提到以下警告:

The annotate command extracts information from the element's versions.
To do so, it invokes the annotate method of the element's type manager.

Only the text_file_delta and z_text_file_delta type managers (which correspond to the predefined element types text_file and compressed_text_file) include an annotate method.
You must use the -ndata option when annotating versions of other element types.

因此请检查与 test_tut_element_vob.ann 关联的类型管理器。

如果“-ndata”不起作用,根据test_tut_element_vob.ann内容的性质,您可以更改其类型。 compressed_filethis answer

it is my vob name and i am trying to annotate the whole vob

cleartool annotate 列出版本的内容,对每一行进行注释以指示添加该行的时间和版本。
这是要用在文件元素上,而不是用在 vob 上。



cd /path/to/view/vobs/test_tut_element_vob.ann
cleartool find . -type f -exec 'cleartool annotate "$CLEARCASE_PN"'


cd c:\path\to\view\test_tut_element_vob.ann
cleartool find . -type f -exec "cleartool annotate \"%CLEARCASE_PN%\""