为什么 .类 文件在 .jar 文件中有奇怪的名字?
Why do .classes files have weird-looking names in .jar file?
, b
, c
, d
,等等。 类也是如此,所以一些.class
我不认为开发人员命名包或 Java 文件的方式会使他们以后无法识别每个文件的作用。我相信这是因为其他一些技术问题。有人可以清楚这个问题吗?
您反编译的 Jar 可能使用 ProGuard:
By default, compiled bytecode still contains a lot of debugging information: source file names, line numbers, field names, method names, argument names, variable names, etc. This information makes it straightforward to decompile the bytecode and reverse-engineer entire programs. Sometimes, this is not desirable. Obfuscators such as ProGuard can remove the debugging information and replace all names by meaningless character sequences, making it much harder to reverse-engineer the code. It further compacts the code as a bonus. The program remains functionally equivalent, except for the class names, method names, and line numbers given in exception stack traces.
, b
, c
, d
,等等。 类也是如此,所以一些.class
我不认为开发人员命名包或 Java 文件的方式会使他们以后无法识别每个文件的作用。我相信这是因为其他一些技术问题。有人可以清楚这个问题吗?
您反编译的 Jar 可能使用 ProGuard:
进行保护By default, compiled bytecode still contains a lot of debugging information: source file names, line numbers, field names, method names, argument names, variable names, etc. This information makes it straightforward to decompile the bytecode and reverse-engineer entire programs. Sometimes, this is not desirable. Obfuscators such as ProGuard can remove the debugging information and replace all names by meaningless character sequences, making it much harder to reverse-engineer the code. It further compacts the code as a bonus. The program remains functionally equivalent, except for the class names, method names, and line numbers given in exception stack traces.