将 RxSwift 计时器和间隔可观察量组合成一个带有完成的可观察量

Combine RxSwift timer and interval observables into a single observable with completion


var count = 0

func setupCountdownTimer() {
  let rx_countdownTimer = CountdownTimer.observable(5)

  rx_countdownTimer >- subscribeNext {
    secondsRemaining in
    println(secondsRemaining) // prints 5, then 4, 3, 2, 1, then finally 0
    count = secondsRemaining

  rx_countdownTimer >- subscribeCompleted {
    println(count) // prints 5, assuming countdownTimer stopped 'naturally'

@IBAction func stop(sender: UIButton) {
  rx_countdownTimer.sendCompleted() // Causes 2nd println above to output, say, 3, if that's how many seconds had elapsed thus far.

似乎我应该能够在这里以某种方式组合 timer observable and an interval observable,但我似乎无法找出执行此操作的正确策略。 Rx 的新手,所以我对我做错事的可能性持开放态度。 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



var timer = CountdownTimer(5)
var count = 0

func setupCountdownTimer() {
    timer.observable >- subscribeNext { n in
        println(n) // "5", "4", ..., "0" 
        self.count = n
    timer.observable >- subscribeCompleted {

@IBAction func stop(sender: UIButton) {