安装 Magento 1.9.2 时需要输入有效的 URL 吗?

Required entering a valid URL when installing Magento 1.9.2?

安装 Magento 1.9.2 时,我无法进行下一步,因为 URL 验证需要输入有效的 URL。旧版本的 Magento 没有这个问题。我找到了解决方案 here。但我想知道这是为什么。这里有什么安全问题吗?

我在 Magento 社区论坛上找到了答案:

Its because localhost isn't actually a valid domain.since it doesn't have a TLD. I personally use localhost.com as mine so that it passes the URL checks. etc.. is actually a valid domain which is why that passes the checks.

The is an option during install that says something along the lines of skip url verification that you could use if you're 100% sure you've got the right domain.