XAML 2009 和 .NET 4.6/Windows 10
XAML 2009 and .NET 4.6/Windows 10
WPF 从未最终支持 XAML 2009,这很遗憾,因为它添加了一些有用的扩展,例如泛型类型参数和复杂的 x:Key
UWP 似乎建立在 WPF 之上。 .NET 4.6/Windows 10 是否支持 XAML 2009,六年后?
对于UWP,答案是否定的。 It's built over XAML 2006。
对于WPF,答案主要是否定的。理论上您可以使用它,但使用 big caveats.
对于任何其他,答案是肯定的:Xamarin.Forms is XAML 2009 based.
大问号是XAML Standard. We haven't heard from it for a while and I think it was presumed that it's going to be XAML 2006 based because WPF and UWP are. You might find the following (open) GitHub issue interesting: Use XAML 2009 as the basis for XAML Standard
WPF 从未最终支持 XAML 2009,这很遗憾,因为它添加了一些有用的扩展,例如泛型类型参数和复杂的 x:Key
UWP 似乎建立在 WPF 之上。 .NET 4.6/Windows 10 是否支持 XAML 2009,六年后?
对于UWP,答案是否定的。 It's built over XAML 2006。
对于WPF,答案主要是否定的。理论上您可以使用它,但使用 big caveats.
对于任何其他,答案是肯定的:Xamarin.Forms is XAML 2009 based.
大问号是XAML Standard. We haven't heard from it for a while and I think it was presumed that it's going to be XAML 2006 based because WPF and UWP are. You might find the following (open) GitHub issue interesting: Use XAML 2009 as the basis for XAML Standard