按组保留数组的前 N 个元素
Keep top N elements of an array by group
我在 Blaze Advisor (rule enginge) 中使用专有语言。我正在寻找一种算法,如何按特定属性形成的组只保留数组中的前 N 个项目。例如有两个数组:
parrent[0].id = 1
parrent[1].id = 2
child[0].parrentId = 1
child[0].result = 3.0
child[1].parrentId = 1
child[1].result = 2.0
child[2].parrentId = 1
child[2].result = 4.0
child[3].parrentId = 1
child[3].result = 6.0
child[4].parrentId = 1
child[4].result = -1.0
child[5].parrentId = 2
child[5].result = 1.0
child[6].parrentId = 2
child[6].result = 16.0
child[7].parrentId = 2
child[7].result = 2.0
child[8].parrentId = 2
child[8].result = -10.0
child[9].parrentId = 2
child[9].result = 5.0
我想只保留 child
数组中每个 parrentId
的前三个元素,如 result
属性所示。在我的语言中,我可以完成所有基本操作 - 我可以使用 if/else,while,for,for each constructs,并创建新变量。我可以对数组 asc/desc 进行排序并获取已排序元素的索引。我可以删除数组的元素。
child[0].parrentId = 1
child[0].result = 3.0
child[1].parrentId = 1
child[2].result = 4.0
child[3].parrentId = 1
child[3].result = 6.0
child[6].parrentId = 2
child[6].result = 16.0
child[7].parrentId = 2
child[7].result = 2.0
child[9].parrentId = 2
child[9].result = 5.0
可以使用 selection algorithm 来保留数组的前 N 个元素。将数据分组这一事实不应增加问题的复杂性,只需忽略不在组中的元素即可。
例如,如果您使用 partial sorting,您可以只对组中的元素进行部分排序。您不会像在标准部分排序中那样提前知道第 N 个条目的索引,但是您可以修改外循环以遍历所有条目(而不仅仅是前 N 个条目)但跟踪您有多少已经部分排序并在完成后中断。
顺便说一下,既然你在问题中声明你可以用你的专有语言对数组进行排序,那么如果它不是太低效,你只需对整个数组进行冷排序,然后遍历整个数组直到找到所有兴趣组的前 N 个项目。这是蛮力,但如果您没有性能问题,那么它可能是最简单的答案。
len is an integer initially top.children.count - 1;
idx is an integer initially len;
while idx > atIdx do {
top.children[idx] = top.children[idx-1];
decrement idx;
top.children[atIdx] = child;
child is an fixed array of 10 Child;
counter is an integer initially 0;
while counter < 10 do { child[counter] = a Child; increment counter }
child[0].parrentId = 1;
child[0].result = 3.0;
child[1].parrentId = 1;
child[1].result = 2.0;
child[2].parrentId = 1;
child[2].result = 4.0;
child[3].parrentId = 1;
child[3].result = 6.0;
child[4].parrentId = 1;
child[4].result = -1.0;
child[5].parrentId = 2;
child[5].result = 1.0;
child[6].parrentId = 2;
child[6].result = 16.0;
child[7].parrentId = 2;
child[7].result = 2.0;
child[8].parrentId = 2;
child[8].result = -10.0;
child[9].parrentId = 2;
child[9].result = 5.0;
groups is an array of real;
topN is an integer initially 4;
//Init the hashmap of [group] -> [array of 'N' top Child]
top3fromGroup is an association from real to TopChildren;
for each Child in child do if not groups.contains(it.parrentId) then {
top3fromGroup[it.parrentId] = a TopChildren;
initCounter is an integer initially 0;
while initCounter < topN do {
top3fromGroup[it.parrentId].children[initCounter] = a Child initially { it.result = Double.MIN_VALUE;}
increment initCounter;
//Filling the groups at the hashmap with the Child elements ordered inside its groups
for each real in groups do {
group is a real initially it;
for each Child in child do {
localChild is some Child initially it;
if it.parrentId = group then {
top is some TopChildren initially top3fromGroup[group];
topValuesIdx is an integer initially 0;
while topValuesIdx < top.children.count do {
topChild is some Child initially top.children[topValuesIdx];
if localChild.result > topChild.result then {
insertAt(topValuesIdx, localChild, top);
topValuesIdx = top.children.count;
increment topValuesIdx;
//Printing the hashmap
for each real in groups do {
group is a real initially it;
print("Group: " group);
childIdx is an integer initially 0;
for each Child in top3fromGroup[it].children do {
print("\tchild["childIdx"].parrentId = " it.parrentId);
print("\tchild["childIdx"].result = " it.result);
increment childIdx;
Eclipse/Blaze 控制台上的输出为:
Group: 1.0
child[0].parrentId = 1.0
child[0].result = 6.0
child[1].parrentId = 1.0
child[1].result = 4.0
child[2].parrentId = 1.0
child[2].result = 3.0
child[3].parrentId = 1.0
child[3].result = 2.0
Group: 2.0
child[0].parrentId = 2.0
child[0].result = 16.0
child[1].parrentId = 2.0
child[1].result = 5.0
child[2].parrentId = 2.0
child[2].result = 2.0
child[3].parrentId = 2.0
child[3].result = 1.0
Execution complete.
我在 Blaze Advisor (rule enginge) 中使用专有语言。我正在寻找一种算法,如何按特定属性形成的组只保留数组中的前 N 个项目。例如有两个数组:
parrent[0].id = 1
parrent[1].id = 2
child[0].parrentId = 1
child[0].result = 3.0
child[1].parrentId = 1
child[1].result = 2.0
child[2].parrentId = 1
child[2].result = 4.0
child[3].parrentId = 1
child[3].result = 6.0
child[4].parrentId = 1
child[4].result = -1.0
child[5].parrentId = 2
child[5].result = 1.0
child[6].parrentId = 2
child[6].result = 16.0
child[7].parrentId = 2
child[7].result = 2.0
child[8].parrentId = 2
child[8].result = -10.0
child[9].parrentId = 2
child[9].result = 5.0
我想只保留 child
数组中每个 parrentId
的前三个元素,如 result
属性所示。在我的语言中,我可以完成所有基本操作 - 我可以使用 if/else,while,for,for each constructs,并创建新变量。我可以对数组 asc/desc 进行排序并获取已排序元素的索引。我可以删除数组的元素。
child[0].parrentId = 1
child[0].result = 3.0
child[1].parrentId = 1
child[2].result = 4.0
child[3].parrentId = 1
child[3].result = 6.0
child[6].parrentId = 2
child[6].result = 16.0
child[7].parrentId = 2
child[7].result = 2.0
child[9].parrentId = 2
child[9].result = 5.0
可以使用 selection algorithm 来保留数组的前 N 个元素。将数据分组这一事实不应增加问题的复杂性,只需忽略不在组中的元素即可。
例如,如果您使用 partial sorting,您可以只对组中的元素进行部分排序。您不会像在标准部分排序中那样提前知道第 N 个条目的索引,但是您可以修改外循环以遍历所有条目(而不仅仅是前 N 个条目)但跟踪您有多少已经部分排序并在完成后中断。
顺便说一下,既然你在问题中声明你可以用你的专有语言对数组进行排序,那么如果它不是太低效,你只需对整个数组进行冷排序,然后遍历整个数组直到找到所有兴趣组的前 N 个项目。这是蛮力,但如果您没有性能问题,那么它可能是最简单的答案。
len is an integer initially top.children.count - 1;
idx is an integer initially len;
while idx > atIdx do {
top.children[idx] = top.children[idx-1];
decrement idx;
top.children[atIdx] = child;
child is an fixed array of 10 Child;
counter is an integer initially 0;
while counter < 10 do { child[counter] = a Child; increment counter }
child[0].parrentId = 1;
child[0].result = 3.0;
child[1].parrentId = 1;
child[1].result = 2.0;
child[2].parrentId = 1;
child[2].result = 4.0;
child[3].parrentId = 1;
child[3].result = 6.0;
child[4].parrentId = 1;
child[4].result = -1.0;
child[5].parrentId = 2;
child[5].result = 1.0;
child[6].parrentId = 2;
child[6].result = 16.0;
child[7].parrentId = 2;
child[7].result = 2.0;
child[8].parrentId = 2;
child[8].result = -10.0;
child[9].parrentId = 2;
child[9].result = 5.0;
groups is an array of real;
topN is an integer initially 4;
//Init the hashmap of [group] -> [array of 'N' top Child]
top3fromGroup is an association from real to TopChildren;
for each Child in child do if not groups.contains(it.parrentId) then {
top3fromGroup[it.parrentId] = a TopChildren;
initCounter is an integer initially 0;
while initCounter < topN do {
top3fromGroup[it.parrentId].children[initCounter] = a Child initially { it.result = Double.MIN_VALUE;}
increment initCounter;
//Filling the groups at the hashmap with the Child elements ordered inside its groups
for each real in groups do {
group is a real initially it;
for each Child in child do {
localChild is some Child initially it;
if it.parrentId = group then {
top is some TopChildren initially top3fromGroup[group];
topValuesIdx is an integer initially 0;
while topValuesIdx < top.children.count do {
topChild is some Child initially top.children[topValuesIdx];
if localChild.result > topChild.result then {
insertAt(topValuesIdx, localChild, top);
topValuesIdx = top.children.count;
increment topValuesIdx;
//Printing the hashmap
for each real in groups do {
group is a real initially it;
print("Group: " group);
childIdx is an integer initially 0;
for each Child in top3fromGroup[it].children do {
print("\tchild["childIdx"].parrentId = " it.parrentId);
print("\tchild["childIdx"].result = " it.result);
increment childIdx;
Eclipse/Blaze 控制台上的输出为:
Group: 1.0
child[0].parrentId = 1.0
child[0].result = 6.0
child[1].parrentId = 1.0
child[1].result = 4.0
child[2].parrentId = 1.0
child[2].result = 3.0
child[3].parrentId = 1.0
child[3].result = 2.0
Group: 2.0
child[0].parrentId = 2.0
child[0].result = 16.0
child[1].parrentId = 2.0
child[1].result = 5.0
child[2].parrentId = 2.0
child[2].result = 2.0
child[3].parrentId = 2.0
child[3].result = 1.0
Execution complete.