Libgdx Scene2D:单独添加 table class

Libgdx Scene2D: Add table in seperate class

任何人都可以给我一个例子,将 table 和 table 中的演员添加到另一个 class 中的舞台吗?


public class TableHandler {

    public Table getAwesomeTable()
        Table table = new Table();
        //.. do stuff with table

        //return table
        return table;

    public static Table getTableWithoutInstancingThisClass()
        Table table = new Table();
        //.. do stuff with table

        //return table
        return table;

    public static void handMeTheStageToAlterIt(Stage stage)
        //stage is passed as reference, 
        // as long as you don't give it a new Stage object you can alter it.

public class MyScreen implements Screen {
    Stage stage;

    public void show() {
        stage = new Stage();



        //instance tableHandler to get none static members.
        TableHandler tableHandler = new TableHandler();
