AngularJS 指令中的服务被调用两次

AngularJS Service in directive being called twice


HTML 我的代码 angular index.html:

<!-- Select drop down-->
<select name="selectcity" ng-model="selectedcity" ng-options="key as value for (key , value) in cities"></select>

<div simple-chart chart-data="lineData"></div>

我有一个指令,它通过服务从 AJAX 调用中获取数据,然后像这样初始化指令模板,

function (data) {
//code goes here
console.log("Initializing the template for the first time");

我有一个 select 框,用户可以在其中更改城市,然后需要更新指令以显示新城市的信息。我已经编写了我的指令来跟踪这样的变化,

scope.$watch('selectedcity', function (nv) {
    if (scope.lineData !== undefined) {
        //code goes here
        console.log("Going to change the city to, "+nv);
        //Going to call the service for the new city
            function (data) {
                //code goes here
                console.log("Initializing the template for the first time");


Initializing the template for the first time
Going to change the city to, Chicago
  1. 这是否意味着该指令被初始化了两次?
  2. 有没有办法仅在 select 下拉列表的值发生变化(即 selected 城市发生变化)时调用 scope.$watch?
  3. 是否需要初始化'selectedcity'的值来避免指令被初始化两次?
  4. 有更好的方法吗?

根据 docs 你应该检查你的 $watch 表达式中的 newValue !== oldValue 是否:

scope.$watch('selectedcity', function (newValue, oldValue) {
  if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) {
    // We have a new value set, and it's not the same as the old.
    // Do something