使用 PHP 提取 XML 信息

Extracting XML info using PHP

我有一个格式奇怪的 XML 文件,我想提取 <text xml:space="preserve" bytes="1099"> 部分并将该信息转换成它自己的数组。

我想我必须找到 |定界符和分割点,但不太确定该怎么做。

    <title>Martial Ares</title>
        <text xml:space="preserve" bytes="1017">{{Infobox card (2)
            |card name=[Martial] Ares
            |character name=Ares
            |release_date=May 1 2013
            |image 1=MartialAres5.jpg
            |rarity 1=Super Special Rare
            |pwr req 1=28
            |sale price 1=94200
            |max card lv 1=60
            |max mastery lv 1=40
            |quote 1=Ares prefers weapons that were used during the age of Greek myth: sword, axe, and spear.  But he can use any weapon expertly, and turn most ordinary objects into lethal weapons.
            |base atk 1=2440
            |base def 1=2650
            |max atk 1=7015
            |max def 1=7613
            |mastery bonus atk 1=915
            |mastery bonus def 1=993
            |image 2=MartialAres6.jpg
            |rarity 2=Ultimate Rare
            |sale price 2=188400
            |max mastery lv 2=200
            |quote 2=Next time I see Hercules, We're going to have a steel conversation. It's about time for him to answer for massacring my Stymphalian Birds.
            |max atk 2=9822
            |max def 2=10660
            |mastery bonus atk 2=1098
            |mastery bonus def 2=1192
            |faction=Super Hero
            |effect=Significantly harden DEF of your Bruisers.


$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
$text = $xml->revision->text;

I assume I would have to find the | delimiter and split at that point, but not quite sure how to do that.

PHP 的基于 libxml 的库(包括 SimpleXMLElementDOMDocument)及其默认选项会保留空格在您问题的 text 元素中,因此您应该 运行 解决小问题。

对于编码到 text 元素文本值中的格式,这是 Mediawiki 语法,并且在开头是最大的部分 Infobox Template.

 | title = Top level title
 | data1 = {{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
    | title = First subsection
    | label1= Label 1.1
    | data1 = Data 1.1
 | data2 = {{Infobox | decat = yes | child = yes
  |title = Second subsection
  | label1= Label 2.1
  | data1 = Data 2.1
 | belowstyle = 
 | below = Below text


信息框模板遵循通用模板语法来命名模板并为其提供(命名或未命名)参数。您会在 Usage Syntax section of Help:Template. As Mediawiki itself is written in PHP, you can even find PHP code that is related to parsing these template codes within it's source 中找到此概述。它显示了如何以比帮助页面更严格的方式解析这些数据,但是由于它是采用模块化和结构化方式的源代码,因此更加复杂。根据您的程序员类型,它可能会让您不知所措,因为它需要阅读有关 PCRE 正则表达式的技能和知识。

据我目前所见,您需要先提取(递归){{ ... }} 块。在这些文件中,您可以解析 title 和任意数量的(命名或未命名)参数。分隔这些字段的分隔符是 |。我不能说这些定界符中的任何一个是否可以或者它们是如何转义的,我也不能说字段和名称是否可以使用多行值 - 在给出的示例旁边显示一个值可以是另一个模板然后可以是多行的。