无法将字典传递给 Python 中的函数

Unable to pass dictionary to function in Python

我正在尝试使用模糊匹配将单词与列表索引(存储在 csv 中)进行匹配。我将索引加载到字典中。然后创建一个函数来比较给定的两个字符串。如果匹配的比率大于阈值,则 return 索引和索引字符串。


def fuzzy_token_set_matching(index_dict, str_for_comparison):
    matching_threshold = 70 

    #If I try to get dict size here, it's 0

    for index, indexed_string in index_dict.items():       
        max_ratio = 0
        #Compare two string using fuzzy matching
        fuzz_matching_ratio = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(indexed string, str_for_comparison)        
        if fuzz_matching_ratio > max_ratio:
            max_ratio = fuzz_matching_ratio            

            if max_ratio > matching_threshold:
                return index_index, title                
                return None

input_file = 'index.csv'
output_file = 'results.csv'

#Load index list into a dictionary
with open(input_file, mode = 'r') as index_infile:
    index_reader = csv.reader(index_infile)
    index_dict = {rows[0]:rows[2] for rows in index_reader}

print(fuzz.token_sort_ratio(index_dict, 'test'))

>>> Results return: 0 

我得到的结果是 0,尽管我有一个完全匹配,应该给我 100 的匹配率。出于某些原因,我无法将字典传递给函数。

我猜你调用了错误的函数。 fuzz.token_sort_ratio(index_dict, 'test') 不是 fuzzy_token_set_matching(index_dict, str_for_comparison)


print(fuzzy_token_set_matchin(index_dict, 'test'))