
How to calculate sum of rows in ng-repeat?

我有一个稍微不同的要求,请您在标记为重复之前通读一遍。 举个例子:

<table ng:init="stuff={items:[{description:'gadget', cost:99,date:'jan3'},{description:'thing', cost:101,date:'july6'},{description:'thing', cost:101,date:'jan3'} ]}">

    <tr ng:repeat="item in stuff.items|filter">   /*only filtered item grouped by date*/    
        <td ng-bind='item.cost'>{{item.cost}}</td>

        <td>{{total}}</td>   /*cost of items grouped by date jan3*/

如何计算按项目分组的总成本?angular 中是否有任何数据属性,我可以在其中添加分组项目的成本,然后再次为下一个分组项目重新初始化它?

您可以创建自己的自定义过滤器,它将接受数组 return 您所有项目的总成本。


<tr ng:repeat="item in filteredData = (stuff.items|filter)">
    <td ng-bind='item.cost'>{{item.cost}}</td>
    <td>{{filteredData| total}}</td>   /*cost of items grouped by date jan3*/


app.filter('total', function(){
  return function(array){
    var total = 0;
    angular.forEach(array, function(value, index){
        total = total + parseFloat(value.cost);
    return total;

Angular 1.3 添加了 create an alias to your ng-repeat 的功能,与过滤器一起使用时非常有用。

variable in expression as alias_expression – You can also provide an optional alias expression which will then store the intermediate results of the repeater after the filters have been applied. Typically this is used to render a special message when a filter is active on the repeater, but the filtered result set is empty.

For example: item in items | filter:x as results will store the fragment of the repeated items as results, but only after the items have been processed through the filter.

因此,您可以使用此 as alias_expression 对列表的筛选子集执行计算。即:

<tr ng-repeat="item in stuff.items|filter as filteredStuff">


$scope.calculateTotal = function(filteredArray){
    var total = 0;
    angular.forEach(filteredArray, function(item){
        total += item.cost;
    return total;