如何将 ng-click 绑定到插入指令嵌入 HTML 块内的 HTML 块

How to bind ng-click to a HTML block inserted inside of a directive embedded HTML block

Plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/6xe46opL2kpgQrf7VaEu?p=preview

我有一个 ng-click="switchCurreny() 函数,我正在尝试处理一个 HTML 块,该块位于页面上嵌入的另一个 HTML 块内来自我的 directive

我的 app-main 控制器将另一个 HTML 块放入放置 HTML 的指令中,还包含我正在尝试运行的 ng-click 函数:

var app = angular.module('app-main', ['ngAnimate', 'wallet-directives'])
.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$sce', function($scope, $sce) {

    var vm = $scope;
    var currency = 'USD';
    vm.modal = false;
    vm.modal_send = false;
    vm.modalActive = false;

    // HTML to be placed inside of directive placed HTML in <wallet-modals>
    var send_html = '<div ng-click="switchCurreny()" class="btn_usd noselect">'+currency+'</div>';

    // Open the modal, then place send_html into modal_bind:
    vm.openModal = function($event) {
        vm.modal = true;                             // show modal
        vm.modal_send = true;                        // show modal_send 
        vm.modal_bind = $sce.trustAsHtml(send_html); // stick send_html inside of modal_bindd

    vm.closeModal = function() {
        vm.modal = false;
        vm.modal_send = false;

    // ng-click function inside of send_html:
    vm.switchCurreny = function() {
        if (currency === 'USD') {
            currency = 'BTC';
        } else {
            currency === 'USD';


(function() {

    var app = angular.module('wallet-directives', [])
    .directive('walletModals', function () {

        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            template: '<div ng-show="modal_send" class="modal"><p>The Modal, button below:</p><br/><div ng-bind-html="modal_bind"></div></div>'



<!-- Directive goes here -->

我认为你基本上必须在插入新的 html 代码后重新编译,因为据我所知 angular 只是将新代码插入你的 div 而不是'编译它。


这是上面 link 的摘录(如果 link 永远死了),显示它应该是什么样子:


<div ng-bind-html="details" do-compile="scope"></div>


  .directive('doCompile', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
    return function(scope, element, attrs) {
      var selectedScope = attrs.doCompile && scope.$eval(attrs.doCompile);
      if (!element.hasClass('compiled')) {
        compile(element.contents())(selectedScope || scope);