MS Log Parser 2.2 查询错误

MS Log Parser 2.2 Query Error

我正在尝试确定用户是否使用 MS Log Parser 2.2

从 FTP 下载文件

尽管我使用了几个示例查询,但我无法让解析器 SQL 查询继续。

Water Down 解析器查询不起作用:

strSQL = "SELECT date,COUNT(*) AS downloads,c-ip "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM C:\temp\Log\*.log "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE cs-method='RETR' "
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY date,c-ip "


RecordSet cannot be used at this time [Unknown Error]



 - SELECT Date and Time of download
 - Where user = 'xxx' 
 - WHERE RETR = is a download
 - WHERE Filename = u_ex150709.log or xxx

也欢迎用 C# 回答


Dim rsLP As ILogRecordset = Nothing
Dim rowLP As ILogRecord = Nothing

Dim LogParser As LogQueryClassClass = Nothing
Dim W3Clog As COMW3CInputContextClassClass = Nothing

Dim UsedBW As Double = 0
Dim Unitsprocessed As Integer

Dim strSQL As String = Nothing

LogParser = New LogQueryClassClass()
W3Clog = New COMW3CInputContextClassClass()


strSQL = "SELECT date,COUNT(*) AS downloads,c-ip "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM C:\temp\Log\*.log "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE cs-method='RETR' "
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY date,c-ip "

'run the query against W3C log
rsLP = LogParser.Execute(strSQL, W3Clog)

'Error occurs in the line below
rowLP = rsLP.getRecord()

Just like you I've written tools that leverage LogParser, eg

虽然回到 2004 年(使用 .Net 1.1)我没有下载的好处:

检查他们的源代码,让您的查询在其中运行 (VisualLogParser),然后在您的项目中简单地引用它并享受开源社区的好处。

关于 FTP 吸取的问题,这里是 MSDN 文章:

SELECT date,COUNT(*) AS downloads,c-ip,x-session
FROM *.log
WHERE cs-method='RETR'
GROUP BY date,c-ip,x-session

当查看我创建的动态创建的 GUI 时,您的查询确实很突出,您在文件路径周围缺少单引号:

strSQL = strSQL & "FROM C:\temp\Log\*.log "


strSQL = strSQL & "FROM 'C:\temp\Log\*.log' "

(并使用 StringBuilder,而不是字符串连接...只是为了养成最佳实践的习惯)


If the quotes don't solve the problem first go, then try a single log file rather than the wildcard *.log to narrow down on the syntax error. LogParser isn't designed to be helpful at diagnosing problem queries, instead Gabriele Giuseppini designed it to be fast, very fast!