
Syntax Error in second Process of VHDL Code

所以我正在尝试编写一个运行简单自动售货机的 VHDL 程序。它需要 25 美分、5 美分和 10 美分,并在状态 Start 之间移动,以 5 美分的增量增加到 45 美分。当状态达到 25 美分时,它会分发一个产品,如果它超过 25,比如之前的状态是 20,并且添加四分之一使其达到 45,然后它会向下级联状态,分发找零直到达到 25。我也设置了重置。

现在我遇到的问题很简单,但令人沮丧的是含糊不清。有两个进程,第一个 fsm1,包含在不同状态变化等之间移动的所有代码。第二个进程基本上是允许异步重置。这是我遇到问题的第二个进程 fsm2。就像现在一样,我收到一个语法错误,它只是说 'AND' 附近有问题。而已。如果有人能弄清楚问题出在哪里,我将不胜感激。代码如下。


-- Vending Machine FSM from Lab 8
-- There are 10 States, 3 Inputs, and 2 Outputs
-- When State is Start, Product is 0, Change is 0
--      Start moves to Five when Nickle is Pushed
--      Start moves to Ten when Dime is Pushed
--      Start moves to Twentyfive when Quarter is Pushed
-- When State is Five, Product is 0, Change is 0
--      Five moves to Ten when Nickle is Pushed
--      Five moves to Fifteen when Dime is Pushed
--      Five moves to Thirty when Quarter is Pushed
-- When State is Ten, Product is 0, Change is 0
--      Ten moves to Fifteen when Nickle is Pushed
--      Ten moves to Twenty when Dime is Pushed
--      Ten moves to Thirtyfive when Quarter is Pushed
-- When State is Fifteen, Product is 0, Change is 0
--      Fifteen moves to Twenty when Nickle is Pushed
--      Fifteen moves to Twentyfive when Dime is Pushed
--      Fifteen moves to Fourty when Quarter is Pushed
-- When State is Twenty, Product is 0, Change is 0
--      Twenty moves to Twentyfive when Nickle is Pushed
--      Twenty moves to Thirty when Dime is Pushed
--      Twenty moves to Fourtyfive when Quarter is Pushed
-- When State is Twentyfive, Product is 1, Change is 0
--      Twentyfive moves to Start unconditionally
-- When State is Thirty, Product is 0, Change is 1
--      Thirty moves to Twentyfive unconditionally
-- When State is Thirtyfive, Product is 0, Change is 1
--      Thirtyfive moves to Thirty unconditionally
-- When State is Fourty, Product is 0, Change is 1
--      Fourty moves to Thirtyfive unconditionally
-- When State is Fourtyfive, Product is 0, Change is 1
--      Fourtyfive moves to Fourty unconditionally

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY vending IS
    PORT (
        reset       : IN    std_logic;
        clock       : IN    std_logic;
        QDN         : IN    std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
        PC          : OUT   std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0)
END vending;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF vending IS
    TYPE        statetype IS (Start, Five, Ten, Fifteen, Twenty, Twentyfive, Thirty, Thirtyfive, Fourty, Fourtyfive);
    SIGNAL      currentstate, nextstate     : statetype;
    fsm1:   PROCESS (QDN, currentstate)
        CASE currentstate IS
                WHEN Start =>
                        PC <= "00";
                        CASE QDN IS
                                WHEN "000" =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                                WHEN "001" =>
                                        nextstate <= Five;
                                WHEN "010" =>
                                        nextstate <= Ten;
                                WHEN "100" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twentyfive;
                                WHEN OTHERS =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                        END CASE;
                WHEN Five =>
                        PC <= "00";
                        CASE QDN IS
                                WHEN "000" =>
                                        nextstate <= Five;
                                WHEN "001" =>
                                        nextstate <= Ten;
                                WHEN "010" =>
                                        nextstate <= Fifteen;
                                WHEN "100" =>
                                        nextstate <= Thirty;
                                WHEN OTHERS =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                        END CASE;
                WHEN Ten =>
                        PC <= "00";
                        CASE QDN IS
                                WHEN "000" =>
                                        nextstate <= Ten;
                                WHEN "001" =>
                                        nextstate <= Fifteen;
                                WHEN "010" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twenty;
                                WHEN "100" =>
                                        nextstate <= Thirtyfive;
                                WHEN OTHERS =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                        END CASE;
                WHEN Fifteen =>
                        PC <= "00";
                        CASE QDN IS
                                WHEN "000" =>
                                        nextstate <=Fifteen;
                                WHEN "001" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twenty;
                                WHEN "010" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twentyfive;
                                WHEN "100" =>
                                        nextstate <= Fourty;
                                WHEN OTHERS =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                        END CASE;
                WHEN Twenty =>
                        PC <= "00";
                        CASE QDN IS
                                WHEN "000" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twenty;
                                WHEN "001" =>
                                        nextstate <= Twentyfive;
                                WHEN "010" =>
                                        nextstate <= Thirty;
                                WHEN "100" =>
                                        nextstate <= Fourtyfive;
                                WHEN OTHERS =>
                                        nextstate <= Start;
                        END CASE;
                WHEN Twentyfive =>
                        PC <= "10";
                        nextstate <= Start;
                WHEN Thirty =>
                        PC <= "01";
                        nextstate <= Twentyfive;
                WHEN Thirtyfive =>
                        PC <= "01";
                        nextstate <= Thirty;
                WHEN Fourty =>
                        PC <= "01";
                        nextstate <= Thirtyfive;
                WHEN Fourtyfive =>
                        PC <= "01";
                        nextstate <= Fourty;
        END CASE;

    fsm2:   PROCESS (reset, clock)
        IF (reset = '0') THEN
                currentstate <= Start;
        ELSEIF (clock'EVENT) AND (clock = '1') THEN
                currentstate <= nextstate;
        END IF;
END behavior;
ELSEIF (clock'EVENT) AND (clock = '1') THEN

elsif 不是 elseif
