Dojo DataGrid 高度调整大小不起作用

Dojo DataGrid height resize not working

我正在尝试使用 Dojo DataGrid 对象的简单 "resize" 行为。 "width" 按预期工作正常。但是 "height" 不起作用,Grid 只显示初始渲染值。

这是重现问题的 HTML 文件的超链接。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- -->
<html >
<script src="">    </script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<style type="text/css">
@import "";
/*Grid needs an explicit height by default*/
#gridDiv {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<script>dojoConfig = {async: true, parseOnLoad: false}</script>
require(['dojo/_base/lang', 'dojox/grid/DataGrid', 'dojo/data/ItemFileWriteStore', 'dojo/dom', 'dijit/form/Button', 'dojo/domReady!'],
function(lang, DataGrid, ItemFileWriteStore, dom, Button){
/*set up data store*/
var data = {
  identifier: "id",
  items: []
var data_list = [
  { col1: "normal", col2: false, col3: 'But are not followed by two hexadecimal', col4: 29.91},
  { col1: "important", col2: false, col3: 'Because a % sign always indicates', col4: 9.33},
  { col1: "important", col2: false, col3: 'Signs can be selectively', col4: 19.34}
var rows = 60;
for(var i = 0, l = data_list.length; i < rows; i++){
    data.items.push(lang.mixin({ id: i+1 }, data_list[i%l]));
var store = new ItemFileWriteStore({data: data});
/*set up layout*/
var layout = [[
  {'name': 'Column 1', 'field': 'id', 'width': '100px'},
  {'name': 'Column 2', 'field': 'col2', 'width': '100px'},
  {'name': 'Column 3', 'field': 'col3', 'width': '200px'},
  {'name': 'Column 4', 'field': 'col4', 'width': '150px'}
/*create a new grid*/
var grid = new DataGrid({
    id: 'grid',
    store: store,
    structure: layout,
    rowSelector: '20px'});

    /*append the new grid to the div*/

    /*Call startup() to render the grid*/

// Create a button programmatically:
var myButton = new Button({
    label: "Click me!",
    onClick: function(){
        dom.byId("parentDiv").style.height = "400px";
        dom.byId("parentDiv").style.width = "400px";
        if (grid){
        dom.byId("result1").innerHTML = ("h: "+dom.byId("parentDiv").style.height+"/ w:"+dom.byId("parentDiv").style.width);
            alert("Was grid resized ?");
}, "progButtonNode").startup();
<body class="claro">
<div id="parentDiv">
    <div id="gridDiv"></div>
<button id="progButtonNode" type="button"></button>
<div id="result1"></div>
<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("parentDiv").style.height = "200px";
document.getElementById("parentDiv").style.width = "200px";
document.getElementById("parentDiv").style.backgroundColor = "blue";



DataGrid 在最初呈现时会缓存其父内容框的大小,并且不会自动检测更改,因此请为网格指定一个大小:

grid.resize({ w: 400, h: 400 });


var parentDiv = dom.byId('parentDiv');
grid.resize({ w: parentDiv.clientWidth, h: parentDiv.clientHeight });

通过将 grid._parentContentBoxHeight 设置为 null 然后调用 grid.resize() 来擦除缓存值也可以,但是这很麻烦。