像 iRODS 这样的低级存储管理到底有什么用(在 fedora-commons 中)?

what does low level storage management like iRODS exactly for (in fedora-commons)?

我不清楚拥有 iRODS 或任何其他低级别存储管理的实际优势。它到底有什么好处,我们应该在什么时候使用它?

在具有普通文件系统低级存储的 Fedora-commons 中: 2009 年 5 月 8 日创建的数据流可能位于 2009/0508/20/48/ 目录中。

iRODS 在这方面有何帮助?

我想在这里为其他 Stack Overflow 用户关闭循环。

您向我们的 Google 群组 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/irod-chat/fti4ZHvmS-Y/LU8CQCZQHwAJ The question was answered there, and, thanks to you, the response is now also posted on the iRODS.org FAQ: http://irods.org/faq/



Don’t think of iRODS as simply low level storage management.

iRODS is really the only platform for policy managed data preservation. It does indeed virtualize storage, providing a global, logical namespace over heterogeneous types of storage, but it also allows you to enforce preservation policies at each storage location, no matter what client or access method is used. It also provides a global metadata catalog that is automatically maintained and reflects the application of your preservation policies, allowing audit and verification of your preservation policies.

iRODS is developing a powerful metadata management capability, allowing pluggable indexing and query capability that allow synchronization with external indices (e.g. Elastic Search, MAUI, Jena triple store).

With the pluggable rule engine and asynchronous messaging architecture, it becomes rather straightforward to generate audit and provenance metadata that will track every single (pre- and post-) operation on your data, including any plugins you may develop or utilize.

iRODS is middleware, rather than a prepackaged solution. This middleware supports plugins and configurable policies at all points, so you are not limited by a pre-defined set of tools. iRODS also can be connected to wide range of preservation, computation, and enterprise services, and can manage large amounts of data (both in number of objects and size of those objects), and efficiently move and manage data using high performance protocols, including third party data transfer protocols.

iRODS is built to support federation, so that your preservation environment may share data with other institutions or organizations while remaining under your own audit and policy control. Many organizations are doing this for many millions of objects, many thousands of users, and with a large range of object sizes.