如何使用 Rebol 3 传递 URL cookie 并获取响应 cookie?

How do I pass a URL a cookie using Rebol 3 and get the response cookies?

这个 Whosebug 问题 - - 几乎回答了我的问题,但我不确定如何从响应中捕获 cookie。

我想做的是调用 URL 传递 cookie(和 headers)并能够查看响应和 cookie(和 headers) .

我想我需要做的是 open 端口然后我可以 query 响应。像这样:

site: open http://rebol.com
write site [ GET [ Cookie: {test=1}] ]
query site
close site



的 http 协议执行此操作
  1. 在 return 端口 object 的写入方言中使用可选的 headers 词,以便您可以检查 body 和 header
  2. return 一个错误 object 端口 object 当一个错误例如。需要手动重定向。



>> do https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gchiu/Rebol3/master/protocols/prot-http.r3
>> a: write http://whosebug.com [ headers "" ]
>> probe a/spec/debug/headers/set-cookie
[{__cfduid=d349046701c0e9fd9f8858fa4b406ff141438752651; expires=Thu, 04-Aug-16 0
5:30:51 GMT; path=/; domain=.whosebug.com; HttpOnly} {prov=f1a9c7a9-cd49-44
82-94e0-4594c7991c19; domain=.whosebug.com; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2055 00:00:
00 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly}]

这是一个 .patch 文件,它与 Atronix and Ren/C 当前使用的 http.r 不同:

diff --git a/src/mezz/prot-http.r b/src/mezz/prot-http.r
index 426f115..dfa344a 100644
--- a/src/mezz/prot-http.r
+++ b/src/mezz/prot-http.r
@@ -11,16 +11,27 @@ REBOL [
    Name: 'http
    Type: 'module
-   Version: 0.1.4
-   File: %prot-http.r
+   Version: 0.1.45
+   File: %prot-http.r3
    Purpose: {
        This program defines the HTTP protocol scheme for REBOL 3.
-   Author: ["Gabriele Santilli" "Richard Smolak"]
-   Date: 26-Nov-2012
+   Author: ["Gabriele Santilli" "Richard Smolak" "Graham Chiu"]
+   notes: {modified to return an error object with the info object when manual redirect required - Graham}
+   Date: 27-April-2014

-sync-op: func [port body /local state] [
+digit: charset [ #"0" - #"9" ]
+alpha: charset [ #"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" ]
+idate-to-date: func [ date [string!] /local day month year time zone]
+   either parse date [ 5 skip copy day 2 digit space copy month 3 alpha space copy year 4 digit space copy time to space space copy zone to end ][
+       if zone = "GMT" [ zone: copy "+0" ]
+       to date! ajoin [ day "-" month "-" year "/" time zone ]
+   ][ none ]
+sync-op: func [port body /local state ] [
    unless port/state [open port port/state/close?: yes]
    state: port/state
    state/awake: :read-sync-awake
@@ -35,7 +46,11 @@ sync-op: func [port body /local state] [
    body: copy port
    if state/close? [close port]
-   body
+   either port/spec/debug [
+       state/connection/locals
+   ][
+       body
+   ]
 read-sync-awake: func [event [event!] /local error] [
    switch/default event/type [
@@ -111,12 +126,34 @@ http-awake: func [event /local port http-port state awake res] [
 make-http-error: func [
    "Make an error for the HTTP protocol"
    message [string! block!]
+   /inf obj
+   /otherhost new-url [url!]
 ] [
    if block? message [message: ajoin message]
-   make error! [
-       type: 'Access
-       id: 'Protocol
-       arg1: message
+   case [
+       inf [
+           make error! [
+               type: 'Access
+               id: 'Protocol
+               arg1: message
+               arg2: obj
+           ]
+       ]
+       otherhost [
+           make error! [
+               type: 'Access
+               id: 'Protocol
+               arg1: message
+               arg3: new-url
+           ]
+       ]
+       true [
+           make error! [
+               type: 'Access
+               id: 'Protocol
+               arg1: message
+           ]
+       ]
 http-error: func [
@@ -174,9 +211,11 @@ do-request: func [
    make-http-request spec/method to file! any [spec/path %/]
    spec/headers spec/content
-parse-write-dialect: func [port block /local spec] [
+parse-write-dialect: func [port block /local spec debug] [
    spec: port/spec
-   parse block [[set block word! (spec/method: block) | (spec/method: 'post)]
+   parse block [
+       opt [ 'headers ( spec/debug: true ) ] 
+       [set block word! (spec/method: block) | (spec/method: 'post)]
        opt [set block [file! | url!] (spec/path: block)] [set block block! (spec/headers: block) | (spec/headers: [])] [set block [any-string! | binary!] (spec/content: block) | (spec/content: none)]
@@ -197,7 +236,7 @@ check-response: func [port /local conn res headers d1 d2 line info state awake s
        info/headers: headers: construct/with d1 http-response-headers
        info/name: to file! any [spec/path %/]
        if headers/content-length [info/size: headers/content-length: to integer! headers/content-length]
-       if headers/last-modified [info/date: attempt [to date! headers/last-modified]]
+       if headers/last-modified [info/date: attempt [idate-to-date headers/last-modified]]
        remove/part conn/data d2
        state/state: 'reading-data
@@ -237,6 +276,9 @@ check-response: func [port /local conn res headers d1 d2 line info state awake s
            | (info/response-parsed: 'version-not-supported)
+   if all [logic? spec/debug true? spec/debug]  [
+       spec/debug: info
+   ]
    switch/all info/response-parsed [
        ok [
            either spec/method = 'head [
@@ -276,7 +318,7 @@ check-response: func [port /local conn res headers d1 d2 line info state awake s
                ] [
                    res: do-redirect port headers/location
                ] [
-                   state/error: make-http-error "Redirect requires manual intervention"
+                   state/error: make-http-error/inf "Redirect requires manual intervention" info
                    res: awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
@@ -364,7 +406,7 @@ do-redirect: func [port [port!] new-uri [url! string! file!] /local spec state]
        do-request port
    ] [
-       state/error: make-http-error "Redirect to other host - requires custom handling"
+       state/error: make-http-error/otherhost "Redirect to other host - requires custom handling" to-url rejoin [new-uri/scheme "://" new-uri/host new-uri/path]
        state/awake make event! [type: 'error port: port]
@@ -449,6 +491,7 @@ sys/make-scheme [
        headers: []
        content: none
        timeout: 15
+       debug: none
    info: make system/standard/file-info [