spring boot data redis如何将hashmap改成Model

spring boot data redis how to change hashmap to a Model

我是 spring 和 spring 引导新手,我现在正在使用 spring data redis。

  1. 我有这样的模型

    @Table(name = "users")
    public class User {
        private Long id;
        @javax.persistence.Column(name = "id", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true)
        private String email;
        @javax.persistence.Column(name = "email", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 128)
       //some other fields and getters and setters
  2. 在redis中,我们使用hash store User Model,像这样。 关键是:u_id

    redis-cli> hgetall u_19999
      1) "id"
      2) "19999"
      3) "email"
      4) "xx@gmail.com"
      5) "weblink"
      6) "www.google.com"
  3. 在spring启动数据redis

    HashOperations<String, String, String> hashOperations = this.stringRedisTemplate.opsForHash();
    String key = "u_"+userId;
    Map<String, String> userMap = hashOperations.entries(key);

现在,userMap 是一个 hashmap,包含 Model User 的字段,现在我想将 userMap 更改为 Model User



  1. 首先获取所有字段

     HashOperations<String, String, String> hashOperations =            this.stringRedisTemplate.opsForHash();
     String key = "u_"+userId;
     Map<String, String> userMap = hashOperations.entries(key);
  2. 使用 BeanUtilsHashMapper class

    HashMapper<User, String, String> mapper = new BeanUtilsHashMapper<User>(User.class);
    return mapper.fromHash(userMap);